A woman sitting at a table smiling.


Existing Endowment & Donor Advised Funds

You can contribute to an existing fund in any amount, at any time.  Please search the fund name to make an online gift. 

Contact Scott Hartman for questions about funds.

Headshot of Scott Hartman.

Scott Hartman, MBA, CFRE

Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer

614-443-8893   Ext. 1040

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A Day Away Inc. Donor Advised Fund

Adam & Judith Bangert Donor Advised Fund

Al & Helen Snyder Family Endowment Fund

Alan K. Mooney Donor Advised Fund

Alan K. Mooney Endowment Fund

Albert & Irene Hupp Endowment Fund

Alice Catalano Endowment Fund

Allyson Marie Gross Memorial Scholarship Fund

Amelita Mirolo Endowment Fund

Amelita Mirolo Endowment Fund

Andrew & Kelly Noll Donor Advised Fund

Angelo E. George Endowment Fund

Anglim Family Donor Advised Fund

Ann H. Soppe Endowment Fund

Anne Grace Leibfarth Memorial Endowment Fund

Anonymous Donor Advised Fund

Aquinas College High School Class of 1953 Endowment Fund

Aquinas Scholarship Endowment Fund

Argento/DeMonte Family Scholarship Endowment Fund

Arnold Family Endowment Fund

Aubry Family Endowment Fund in Memory of Dorothy, Hermann & John Aubry

Augustine J. & Mary L. Dick Memorial Endowment Fund

Ayres & Yvonne D’Costa Endowment Fund for International Student Programs at The Newman Center

Ayres & Yvonne D’Costa Endowment Fund for St. Anthony School, Columbus

Ayres & Yvonne D’Costa Endowment Fund for St. Paul School, Westerville

B. Gregory & Kathleen D. Golden Memorial Tuition Assistance Fund

Back in His Arms Again Donor Advised Fund

Baldy/Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Parish Endowment Fund

Baldy/St. Bernard Corning Endowment Fund

Bambino Guild of the Catholic Women’s League Endowment Fund

Barbara & William Burke Donor Advised Fund

Barbara S. & John D. Herlihy Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Barcza Family Donor Advised Fund

Baton Exchange Donor Advised Fund

Bauer Family Donor Advised Fund

Beacon of Hope Legacy Fund for St. Aloysius Church

Bentz Endowment Fund

Bernard and Kathleen Skubak Donor Advised Fund

Bernice A. & Joseph F. Ciricosta Religious Education & Youth Ministry Endowment Fund

Bernice A. & Joseph F. Ciricosta Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Bert L. & Sue E. McClanahan Endowment Fund

Bethesda Healing Ministry Donor Advised Fund

Bettendorf Family Scholarship Endowment Fund

Betty J. Miller Endowment Fund

Betty Sanderell Memorial Endowment Fund

Beverley A. Wynne Endowment Fund

Bianconi Family Donor Advised Fund

Bill & Amy Schult Donor Advised Fund

Bill & Claire Adams Family Endowment Fund

Bishop Flaget Elementary School Endowment Fund

Bishop Herrmann Endowment Fund

Bishop James A. Griffin Endowment Fund

Bishop James A. Griffin Scholarship Endowment Fund

Bishop James J. Hartley High School Endowment Fund

Bishop Ready High School Endowment Fund

Bishop Watterson Football Coaches Legend Endowment Fund

Bishop Watterson High School Dominican Program Endowment Fund

Bishop Watterson High School Donor Advised Fund

Bishop Watterson High School Merit Endowment Fund

Bishop Watterson High School Scholarship Endowment Fund

Bishop Watterson High School Tuition Earned for Extra Effort (TEFEE) Endowment Fund

Bishop Watterson Memorial Endowment Fund

Bishop Watterson St. Patrick Scholarship Endowment Fund

Bishop William Francis Howard Mount Olivet Cemetery Endowment Fund

Bishops’ Golf Classic Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Blessed Sacrament Church Education Endowment Fund

Blessed Sacrament Church Endowment Fund

Blessed Sacrament, Newark Alumni Association Endowment Fund

Bob & Vicky Humphrey Family Endowment Fund

Bob Lennon Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Bobbi Csaszar Memorial Endowment Fund

Boler Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Boutselis Family Donor Advised Fund

Brady Family Donor Advised Fund

Breeckner Family Endowment Fund

Brenden P. Krannitz Scholarship Fund

Brent & Patricia Jackson Endowment Fund

Brian Muha Memorial Foundation Donor Advised Fund

Bridge the Gap Donor Advised Fund

Bridgettine Sisters Donor Advised Fund

Buckeye Catholic Endowment Fund

Burkhart Family Endowment Fund for St. Mary Elementary School

C. Gregory and Mary P. Franz Donor Advised Fund

C. Richard & Norma DiPaolo O’Neil Endowment Fund

Caldwell Family Donor Advised Fund

Cardinal Financial Advisers LLC Donor Advised Fund

Carmen & Margaret Imwalle Angelo Endowment Fund

Carmen R. & Laurence R. Tipple Endowment Fund

Carol Snowden Holy Spirit Library Endoment Fund

Carolyn “Luke” Howard Endowment Fund

Carolyn A. Latimer Memorial Endowment Fund

Casey Fredericks Memorial Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Catherine Zitt Memorial Endowment Fund

Catholic Community Impact Endowment Fund

Catholic Emergency Response Fund

Catholic Laymen’s Retreat League Endowment Fund

Catholic Record Society Endowment Fund

Catholic Relief Services Endowment Fund

Catholic Social Services Endowment Fund

Catholic Youth Summer Camp “Campership” Endowment Fund

CCT – Assistance to Seniors Endowment Fund

CCT – Capital for Parishes Endowment Fund

CCT – Catholic Elementary School Assistance Endowment Fund

CCT – Evangelization/Care for the Poor Endowment Fund

CCT – Lay Ministry, Deacon & Seminarian Training Endowment Fund

CCT – Long-Term Healthcare for Priests Endowment Fund

Celebrating Catholic School Virtues Endowment Fund

Center of Care Foundation, Incorporated Donor Advised Fund

Center of Care Foundation, Incorporated Endowment Fund

Charismatic Renewal Endowment Fund

Charles & Dorothy Kiehlmeier Johns Memorial Endowment Fund

Charles Gummer Family Donor Advised Fund

Charles J. & Judith L. Rotkis Donor Advised Fund

Charles J. McGreevy Endowment Fund

Charles S. Hendricks Donor Advised Fund

Charles W. Brown Endowment Fund

Chief Bostic Education Endowment Fund

Children of Mary Endowment Fund

Chris Hauser Sr. Memorial Endowment Fund

Christ Child Society Endowment Fund

Christ the King Church Endowment Fund

Christ the King Church Preservation Endowment Fund

Christian Stewardship Fund

Christin Marie Gaston First Grade Teachers Endowment Fund

Christina Ann Allwein Catholic Retreat Donor Advised Fund

Christopher & John Campbell Endowment Fund

Christopher & Teresa George Donor Advised Fund

Christopher Derr Scholarship/St. James the Less School Endowment Fund

Christopher Derr Scholarship/St. Michael Endowment Fund

Chuck & Venetia Bramlage Donor Advised Fund

Chuck Rogers Fund

Chuck Rogers/Bishop Fenwick Class of 1969 Memorial Donor Advised Fund

Chuha Family Endowment Fund

Church & Community Fund

Church Maintenance & Repair Endowment Fund

Church of the Ascension Operations Endowment Fund

Church of the Ascension St. Joseph Cemetery Endowment Fund

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the St. Ann/Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Endowment Fund

Church of the Resurrection Faith in Motion Campaign Fund

Church of the Resurrection Music Ministry Endowment Fund

Church of the Resurrection New Albany Capital Infrastructure Endowment Fund

Church of the Resurrection New Albany Catholic Education Student Aid Endowment Fund

Church of the Resurrection Parish Endowment Fund

Church of the Resurrection Social Concerns Ministry Endowment Fund

Clayton & Nancy White Charities Endowment Fund

Clayton & Nancy White Charities Fund

Cliff & Chris Clore Family Donor Advised Fund

Cliff and Chris Clore Endowment Fund

Clovis F. Schall, Jr. Corpus Christi Endowment Fund

Cole and Michelle Ellis Donor Advised Fund

Collins Family Endowment Fund

Columbus Youth to Lourdes Donor Advised Fund

Connors Family Memorial Endowment Fund

Craig and Audrey Stammen Missionary Support Endowment Fund

Cramer & Associates, Inc. Donor Advised Fund

Crane Family Donor Advised Fund

Crum Family Educational Endowment for St. Brigid of Kildare Elementary School

Curran Family/St. Pius X Endowment Fund

Dale E. & Rose M. Martini Donor Advised Fund

Damascus Catholic Mission Campus Donor Advised Fund

Daniel & Suzanne Mahon Family Endowment Fund

Daniel G. & Kelly E. Fronk Family Donor Advised Fund

Daniel J. & Leslie E. Stephan Donor Advised Fund

Daniel J. Igoe & Mary Patricia Igoe Donor Advised Fund

Daniel T. Burkhart Family Endowment Fund for St. John the Baptist Cemetery, Miltonsburg

Daniel T. Burkhart Family Endowment Fund for St. Joseph Cemetery, Burkhart & Chapel Hill Cemetery

Danny Arnold Memorial Donor Advised Fund

David & Barb Garick Holy Land Endowment Fund

David & Barbara Garick Fund for the New Evangelization

David & Karen Swift Donor Advised Fund

David and Joyce Thiel Donor Advised Fund

David and Rose Marie Farabaugh Endowment Fund

David H. & Marcia A. Ball Donor Advised Fund

David H. & Marcia A. Ball Memorial Endowment Fund

David J. and Mary L. Frea Family Donor Advised Fund

David Michael Schira Donor Advised Fund

David W. & Michelle L. Oboy Donor Advised Fund

David W. Sincebaugh, Sr. Endowment Fund

Deacon Byron & Nancy Phillips Endowment Fund

Deacon Don & Julie Poirier Endowment Fund for St. Brigid of Kildare School

Deacon George E. & Gloria M. Horsley Family Endowment Fund

Deacon Joe Farry Sr. Memorial Endowment Fund

Deacon Paul and Cathy Zemanek Fund

Deacon Vincent Minella Scholarship Endowment Fund

Defenders of Truth-Saints in Action Donor Advised Fund

Delaware County Catholic High School Fund

Dennis C. Bockus & Sharon B. Bockus Endowment Fund

Dennis J. Roma Memorial Endowment Fund

Denton Family Endowment Fund

Diaconate School of Theology Endowment Fund

Diana C. Lahm Endowment Fund

Diana Marie Winkler Donor Advised Fund

Dick & Paddy Cleary Family Scholarship Fund

Dinovo Family Endowment Fund

Diocesan Seminarian Assistance Endowment Fund

Diocese of Columbus Communications Office Endowment Fund

Disadvantaged Youth Services Endowment Fund

Dom and Lisa Frissora Donor Advised Fund

Dominic E. Margiotti Educational Endowment Fund

Dominic Gregory – St. Timothy School Scholarship Fund

Dominic W. & Beth Ann Prunte Bishop Griffin Center Endowment Fund

Dominic W. & Beth Ann Prunte Bishop Hartley High School Endowment Fund

Dominic W. & Beth Ann Prunte J.O.I.N. Endowment Fund

Dominic W. & Beth Ann Prunte Seminarian Endowment Fund

Dominic W. & Beth Ann Prunte Sisters of Divine Providence Endowment Fund

Dominic W. & Beth Ann Prunte Sisters of St. Benedict of Westmoreland County Endowment Fund

Dominic W. & Beth Ann Prunte St. Catharine Parish Endowment Fund

Dominic W. & Beth Ann Prunte St. Charles Preparatory School Endowment Fund

Dominic W. & Beth Ann Prunte St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Endowment Fund

Dominican Sisters of Peace Endowment Fund

Dominican Sisters of the Sick/Poor Legacy Endowment Fund

Don & Colleen O’Neill DuBrul Endowment Fund

Donald L. and Barbara L. Meier Family Donor Advised Fund

Doreen Harrod Memorial Endowment Fund

Dorothy E. & Albert Strouse Endowment Fund

Dorothy K. Szajnuk Scholarship Fund

Dorothy McGill Education Endowment Fund

Dorrian/Robinson Family Donor Advised Fund

Doyle Memorial For Learning Disabilities Donor Advised Fund

Dr. Bertha Bouroncle-Pereny Endowment Fund

Dr. Carol M. Gillespie Endowment Fund

Dr. Dominic & Mrs. Margaret Fiscarelli Endowment Fund

Dr. Herman & Mrs. Jean Reas Endowment Fund

Dr. Joseph Brannon Scholarship Endowment Fund

Dr. Richard Gummer Family Fund

Dr. Timothy F. and Paula M. Garner Donor Advised Fund

Drought Family Donor Advised Fund

Dury Family Donor Advised Fund

E.J., Mildred L. & Jacob L. Will Endowment Fund

Edmond J. Goold Endowment Fund

Edward & Vicki Chinnock Donor Advised Fund

Elden Fondriest Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Elizabeth Kellhofer Memorial Endowment Fund

Ellen & Edward Reik Family Donor Advised Fund

Employee Benefits Special Donor Advised Fund

Esther G. Ross Scholarship Endowment Fund

Eugena H. Willett Endowment Fund for Catholic Education & Charities

Eugene F. & Elizabeth L. Fassbender Endowment Fund

Eugene J. Alfonsi Endowment Fund

Evangelization Endowment Fund

Eyen Family Donor Advised Fund

Ezra Powers/St. Andrew Endowment Fund

Fairchild Family Endowment Fund

Family Honor of Columbus, Ohio Donor Advised Fund

Father Arthur Dimond Educational Assistance Endowment Fund

Father Augustine Aloysius Cush Endowment Fund

Father Casto Marrapese Scholarship Endowment Fund

Father Dan McGinniss Scholarship Endowment Fund

Father Edward Fitzgerald St. Joseph Parish Endowment Fund

Father Francis & Father William Connor Endowment Fund

Father Frank Stanton Endowment Fund for the Long Term Care of Priests in the Diocese of Columbus

Father Hugh J. Gilbert Memorial Endowment Fund

Father James J. Slevin Memorial Endowment Fund

Father James Ogurchock Endowment Fund for Holy Spirit School

Father James T. Smith Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Father Joe Stanton Endowment Fund for Saint Vincent De Paul Society

Father Jonathan F. Wilson Donor Advised Fund for Catholic Youth Summer Camp

Father Lawrence L. Hummer Pontifical Biblical Institute Endowment Fund

Father Lawrence L. Hummer Sacred Scripture Study Endowment Fund

Father Lawrence L. Hummer Seminarian Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Father Martin J. Ralko Endowment Fund

Father Michael Fulton Donor Advised Fund

Father Michael Nimocks Endowment Fund

Father Peter McEwan Endowment Fund

Father Richard F. Engle Endowment Fund

Father Robert R. Schmidt Scholarship Endowment Fund

Father Rodric J. DiPietro Catholic Education Endowment Fund

Father Thomas J. Lowery Scholarship Endowment Fund

Father Ventura Sacred Architecture Fund

Fathers John & James Ogurchock Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Florence E. Moses Nursing Scholarship Fund

Foley Family Endowment for St. Brigid of Kildare Elementary School

Foundation Operating Endowment Fund

Founders’ Club General Endowment Fund

Founders’ Club Kobacker Endowment Fund

Fr. Edward Fitzgerald Council 12772 Donor Advised Fund for Tuition Assistance

Frances Ellen Mignery Donor Advised Fund

Frances P. McIntire Memorial Endowment Fund

Francis Xavier & Mary L. Cronin Irish Catholic Donor Advised Fund

Frank & Carol Bruening Catholic Education Donor Advised Fund

Frank & Dora Delewese Scholarship Endowment Fund

Frank & Lea Guarasci Endowment Fund

Frank & Nancy Plescia Scholarship Endowment Fund

Frank & Sheila Bettendorf Donor Advised Fund

Frank and Rose Voegele Donor Advised Fund

Frank J. and Mary J. Wesley Memorial Endowment Fund

Frank Jarosi Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Frank K. & Jeanette V. Kam Our Lady of Perpetual Help School Endowment Fund

Frank K. & Jeanette V. Kam Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Frank, Patricia, & Mark Rubeck Fund for Blessed Sacrament Church & School Endowment Fund

Fromme Family Donor Advised Fund

Frontline Medical Ukraine Fund

Fulton Family Donor Advised Fund

G. William & Jeanne Prendergast Gibson Scholarship Endowment Fund

Gabriel’s Third Order Foundation Donor Advised Fund

Garrett O’Grady Memorial Endowment Fund

Gary Flynn Donor Advised Fund

General James M. Abraham & Parishioners St. Matthew Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Gentile Kennedy Donor Advised Fund

George A. & Paula J. Gummer Donor Advised Fund

George G. Vargo & Marianne Heinmiller Vargo Endowment Fund

George N. Corey Memorial/St. Catharine Church Educational Endowment Fund

Georgia Berenhauser Endowment Fund

Gerald & Dorothy Shroyer Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Geraldine G. Pyatt Memorial Endowment Fund

Geswein Family Donor Advised Fund

Gibbons Family Donor Advised Fund

Gillig & Music Endowment Fund

Gillivan Family Endowment Fund

Ginger West Donor Advised Fund

Glenmont Catholic Cemetery Endowment Fund

Gloria A. Sherer Endowment Fund

Gottron Family Endowment for St. Brigid of Kildare School

Grady B. & Teresa A. Campbell Donor Advised Fund

Gregory & Samantha Clements Donor Advised Fund

Griffin Family Donor Advised Fund

Griffin Family Endowment Fund

Griffith-Rindler Family Donor Advised Fund

Groeber Family Donor Advised Fund

Grote Family Endowment Fund

Guardian Angel Endowment Fund

Gus & Alice Economos Memorial Endowment Fund

H. James & Mary Ann Stevenson Donor Advised Fund

H. James & Mary Ann Stevenson Endowment Fund

Habitat for Humanity- MidOhio Donor Advised Fund

Harold & Jean Ridenour Family Donor Advised Fund

Harry & Zita Shaw Music Appreciation Endowment Fund

Hatem Family Donor Advised Fund

Heartbeat International, Incorporated Donor Advised Fund

Heartbeat International, Incorporated Endowment Fund

Helen & Victor Martinelli Endowment Fund

Helen Hemming Memorial Endowment Fund

Helen T. & Donald R. Miller Endowment Fund

Helga Armbrust Memorial Endowment Fund

Heppner Family Endowment Fund

Hilda R. Perotti Memorial Donor Advised Fund

Hilliard Family Endowment Fund

Historic Preservation of St. Joseph Cathedral Endowment Fund

Holy Family Parish Endowment Fund

Holy Redeemer Parish Endowment Fund

Holy Redeemer Vessels & Vestments Endowment Fund

Holy Rosary/St. John Endowment Fund

Holy Spirit Elementary School Endowment Fund

Holy Spirit Parish Endowment Fund

Holy Trinity Parish, Jackson Endowment Fund

Holy Trinity School, Somerset Endowment Fund

Holy Trinity, Pond Creek Endowment Fund

Holy Trinity, Somerset Peggy Ryan Memorial Endowment Fund

Howard and Joyce Ubert Donor Advised Fund

Ilona F. & Kenneth B. Weise Donor Advised Fund

Imber Family Endowment Fund For St. Timothy School, Columbus, Ohio

Immaculate Conception School, Columbus Endowment Fund

Immaculate Conception Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Immaculate Conception, Columbus Endowment Fund

Immaculate Conception, Kenton Endowment Fund

J. David & Lisa M. Karam Donor Advised Fund

J.O.I.N. Endowment Fund

Jack & Elaine O’Dea Memorial Pay-to-Play Endowment Fund

Jack & Laura Fisher Family Donor Advised Fund

Jack F. Bjork Memorial Education Donor Advised Fund

Jack Ryan Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Jacob F. & Joyce L. Froning Endowment Fund

Jacqueline and Howard Davies Endowment Fund

James “Gene” Winchester Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

James & Irene Kelleher Endowment Fund

James & Jean Mahoney Endowment Fund

James & Naomi Curtis Memorial Endowment Fund

James G. & Barbara M. Flaherty Family Donor Advised Fund

James H. & Helen S. Ucker Endowment Fund

James K. & Shirley D. Williams Donor Advised Fund

James Michael Archibald Scholarship Endowment Fund

James P. & Sandra I. Negron Donor Advised Fund

Jane Ann Schaeffing Endowment Fund

Jane Sullivan Memorial Endowment Fund

Janet A. & Raymond E. Kreber Family Endowment Fund

Janet Schuler Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Jashinski Family Memorial Endowment Fund

Jayne & Jim McGill Family Donor Advised Fund

Jean & John R. Fry Family Scholarship Endowment Fund

Jeffery & Christine Poth Donor Advised Fund

Jennifer L. & Robert M. Eversole Family Donor Advised Fund

Jerome Skorupski Memorial Donor Advised Fund

Jerry & Mary Lou (Wetta) Wiggins Family Endowment Fund

Jerry McCarty Memorial Endowment Fund

Jerry Veil Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Jess & Helen Landon Memorial Tuition Endowment Fund

Jesse & Caroline Power Education Endowment Fund

JGKG Endowment Fund


Jim Rissing Memorial Family Endowment Fund

Jo Ann & Michael H. Carpenter Family Endowment Fund

Joanne E. McGuire & Dr. Jacob F. Froning Scholarship Endowment Fund

Joey Castrodale Memorial Donor Advised Fund

John & Ann Ryan Holzemer Endowment Fund

John & Barbara Cleveland Donor Advised Fund

John & Christina Landolfi Family Donor Advised Fund

John & Christine Willig Donor Advised Fund

John & Connie Sauter Family Endowment Fund

John & Dolores Igel Family Donor Advised Fund

John & Jean Nester Memorial Endowment Fund

John & Mary Theresa Ryan Scholarship Fund

John & Ruth Beckman Family Endowment Fund

John A. Fiano Senior Services Endowment Fund

John and Christina Landolfi Family Endowment Fund

John D. & Kathleen E. O’Shea, Catholic Education Endowment Fund

John D. Wolf Memorial Endowment Fund

John F. & Madonna Kurgan Inner-City Catholic School Endowment Fund

John Kennedy, Sr. Memorial Endowment Fund

John M. & Kathleen M. Houck Donor Advised Fund

John M. Norton Family Donor Advised Fund

John N. & Laura E. Bradford DAF for Art & Architecture

John N. & Laura E. Bradford Donor Advised Fund for the Patronage of Math & Science Education

John N. & Laura E. Bradford Donor Advised Fund for the Patronage of Sacred Art & Artists

John N. & Laura E. Bradford Donor Advised Fund for the Wilderness Outreach Program

John S. & Lori E. Sciarretti Donor Advised Fund

John William Guappone Donor Advised Fund

Joni M. Molnar Donor Advised Fund

Joni M. Molnar Endowment Fund

Joseph & Amy A. Knapke Donor Advised Fund

Joseph & Clarita Helbling Family Endowment Fund

Joseph & Marlene Berwanger Donor Advised Fund

Joseph A. & Louise A. Siemer/St. Bernard Endowment Fund

Joseph Albert Kim Castrodale Scholarship Endowment Fund

Joseph D. & Louise R. Karam Family Donor Advised Fund

Joseph E. Blanchard Memorial Endowment Fund

Joseph E. Kohler & Kathleen M. Kohler Donor Advised Fund

Joseph J. & Adeline Pax Laihr Endowment Fund

Joseph J. Laihr & Adeline Pax Laihr Scholarship Fund

Joseph Vohlers Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Joyce A. Kozlowski Scholarship Fund

Jubilee Museum Endowment Fund

Judith A. Jones Memorial Endowment Fund

Judy & Eugene Alfonsi Donor Advised Fund

Judy & Eugene Alfonsi Donor Advised Fund – 2

June Marie & William Francis Ruppert Music Endowment Fund

Kanakkanatt Family Scholarship Fund

Karen Louise Laihr Literacy Endowment Fund

Kathleen J. Lynch Memorial Endowment Fund

Kathleen L. Gibbons Donor Advised Fund

Kathleen M. & Jamie T. Richardson Donor Advised Fund

Kathleen McCurdy Donor Advised Fund

Kathy M. O’Reilly Endowment Fund for Tuition Assistance

Katie Hamma Bazzoli Memorial Endowment Fund

Kay (Knipfer) Ciminello Catholic Education Endowment Fund

Kayla Stucke Donor Advised Fund

Kennedy Family Endowment Fund

Ketcham Family Endowment Fund

Knights of Columbus, Bishop Flaget Council #1071 Donor Advised Fund

Knights of Columbus, Bishop Flaget Council #1071 Endowment Fund

Knights of Columbus, Council #4603 Endowment Fund

Knights of Columbus, Poland Council #4471 Endowment Fund

Kourie Family Donor Advised Fund

Kozlowski Family Donor Advised Fund

Kreber Endowment Fund

Krissie Hilliard Scholarship Endowment Fund

Kristine & Andrew Hollern Donor Advised Fund

Kromer Family Donor Advised Fund

LaFramboise Family Endowment Fund

Lahy Brothers Catholic School Endowment Fund

Laihr Family Endowment Fund

Landes Donor Advised Fund

Lawrence Halter, Jr. Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

LCP Ryan E. Miller Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Lee Family Giving Fund

Legacy of Catholic Learning Endowment Fund

Lena M. & John F. Cross Endowment Fund

Leo R. & Waltraude E. Weigand Endowment Fund

Leonard F. & Carole J. Herman/Our Lady of Peace Elementary School Endowment Fund

Lester & Dolores Hartings Family Fund

Linda Hunt Donor Advised Fund

Lindsey Family Donor Advised Fund

Lindy Infante Foundation Athletic Scholarship Donor Advised Fund

Lion of Judah Donor Advised Fund

Lion of Judah Endowment Fund

Lionel T. & Rose Mary King Endowment Fund

Liz O’Brien Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Lola J. & Paul Moreland, Jr. Altar Rosary Endowment Fund

Loren P. & Stacey A. Brown Family Donor Advised Fund

Lorms Family Endowment Fund

Lorna & Thom Lisk Endowment Fund

Louis & Polly Gardner Endowment Fund

Louise A. Anderson Endowment Fund

Lyttle Family Donor Advised Fund

Lyttle Family Endowment Fund

Mack Family Donor Advised Fund

Madeline Kiener Blaire St. Timothy’s Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Mandel Family Donor Advised Fund

Marcel & Edith Hundziak Endowment Fund

Margaret Frances Donor Advised Fund

Margaret L. Daehler Memorial Endowment Fund

Margaret Mary Griffin Memorial Endowment Fund

Mari Radel Memorial Endowment Fund

Marie L. Miesse Men & Women Religious Retirement Endowment Fund

Marilyn Louise Anzelmo Memorial Scholarship Fund

Marion Catholic High School Endowment Board Fund

Mark A. Capuano Donor Advised Fund

Mark Vonder Embse Donor Advised Fund

Martha M. Dilenschneider/St. Agatha Scholarship Endowment Fund

Martin Endowment Fund

Mary & Martin Schilder Endowment Fund

Mary Agnes Radkowski Memorial Fund

Mary Catherine Gerhold Memorial Endowment Fund

Mary Elizabeth and Eli Rodgers deVillers Memorial Endowment Fund

Mary Elizabeth Schram Memorial Endowment Fund

Mary Ellen Larger/St. Mary’s Lancaster Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Mary Fran Cassidy Endowment Fund for the Religious Education Program at St. Brigid of Kildare

Mary Francis Snider Memorial Endowment Fund

Mary Jo Ryan Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Mary Kane Lefever Memorial Donor Advised Fund

Mary Kathryn Ryan Scholarship Endowment Fund

Mary Sexton Hayman St. Paul Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Mary Virginia Kreber Endowment Fund

Mary’s Donor Advised Fund

Matthew Clayton Schultz Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Maurey Children Donor Advised Fund

McCurdy-Kimball Midwest Donor Advised Fund

McGill Family Memorial Endowment Fund

McGuire/Holcomb Endowment Fund

McVicker Endowment Fund for the Theology of the Body

Michael & Barbara Distelhorst Memorial Endowment Fund

Michael & Bertha Burkhart Memorial Endowment Fund

Michael & Margaret Hartshorn Donor Advised Fund

Michael and Pamela Dippold Donor Advised Fund

Michael and Vildan Meleca Donor Advised Fund

Michael B. & Carol A. Gabalski Haller Donor Advised Fund

Michael D’Andrea Donor Advised Fund

Michael J. & Kathleen A. Nehf Family Donor Advised Fund

Michael J. & Kathleen A. Nehf Family Endowment Fund

Michael J. & Rita B. Dean Donor Advised Fund

Michael J. Melliere, Sr. & Elaine M. Melliere Donor Advised Fund

Michael P. & Nancy L. Fisher Donor Advised Fund

Michael Woerner Scholarship Endowment Fund

Michel Family Donor Advised Fund

Mid-Ohio Foodbank Donor Advised Fund

Miller Youth Endowment Fund

Mission Academy Donor Advised Fund

Mission/Retreat Endowment Fund

Misty Hollow Family Apostolate

Mitchell Family Donor Advised Fund

Mommies Matter Donor Advised Fund

Monica Leck Donor Advised Fund

Monsignor Anthony Borrelli Endowment Fund

Monsignor Anthony Borrelli Pontifical College Josephinum Seminarian Assistance Endowment Fund

Monsignor Anthony Borrelli Priests Care Endowment Fund

Monsignor Anthony Missimi Endowment Fund

Monsignor Edward J. Fairchild Seton Facilities Endowment Fund

Monsignor Edward Spiers Endowment Fund

Monsignor Francis J. Meagher & Paulette Meagher Endowment Fund

Monsignor Francis J. Meagher, Paulette Meagher, & Father Theodore K. Sill Endowment Fund

Monsignor George Kennedy Endowment Fund

Monsignor James K. Carroll Bishop Hartley High School Endowment Fund

Monsignor James K. Carroll St. Pius X School Endowment Fund

Monsignor James Le’Roy Tonkinson Ruef Fund for the Center for Performing Arts of Ohio Northern University

Monsignor James Le’Roy Tonkinson Ruef Fund for the Training of Priests

Monsignor John Wolf Endowment Fund

Monsignor Joseph A. Cousins Stagecrafter Endowment Fund

Monsignor Joseph M. Hendricks Endowment for St. Brigid of Kildare School Endowment Fund

Monsignor Kenneth Grimes Scholarship Fund

Monsignor Michael L. Donovan Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Monsignor Missimi Christian Athlete Scholarship Fund

Monsignor Robert E. Schneider Endowment Fund

Monsignor Romano Ciotola Memorial Endowment Fund

Monsignor Stephen B. Hawkins Scholarship Endowment Fund

Monsignor William E. Kappes Endowment Fund

Morosky Family Foundation

Moses Family Donor Advised Fund

Mother Angeline McCrory Manor Endowment Fund

Muetzel Family Donor Advised Fund

Murphy Family Endowment Fund

Myrtle Zuchetto Endowment Fund

Nate Smith Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Nathan Fitzsimmons Vogelmeier Endowment Fund

Natural Family Planning Endowment Fund

Neal J. Stoffel Memorial Endowment Fund for the benefit of Bishop Ready High School

Neal J. Stoffel Memorial Endowment Fund for the benefit of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, Columbus Ohio

Nellie Lenehan Memorial Endowment Fund

Nellie M. Wolfe Endowment Fund

Newark Catholic High School Diocesan Support Endowment Fund

Newark Catholic High School General Endowment Fund

Newark Catholic High School/DeVito Family Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Newman Center Food for the Homeless Endowment Fund

Newman Center International Endowment Fund

Nick Tipple Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Norbert Rubeck/ Church of the Blessed Sacrament Endowment Fund

Norman E. Altman & Dorothy Altman Gordon Endowment Fund

Norton Family Donor Advised Fund

O’Reilly Family Endowment Fund

Office for Social Concerns Endowment Fund

Ohio Dominican University Endowment Fund

Ohio Dominican University Endowment Fund

Ohio Right to Life Donor Advised Fund

Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation Fund

One Flesh Marriage Fund

Orphanage Endowment Fund

Orrel & Linus Hosfeld Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Bethlehem School & Childcare Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Guadalupe Center Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Guadalupe Center Legacy Fund

Our Lady of Guadalupe Donor Advised Fund

Our Lady of Guadalupe Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Lourdes James W. & Blanche Sampsel Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Lourdes Liturgical Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Lourdes Rose Anna Coleman Music Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Lourdes-Marysville Parish Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Lourdes, Otway Parish Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Peace Church Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Peace School Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Education Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Sorrows, West Portsmouth Endowment Fund

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Victory Homeless Endowment Fund

Our Lady of Victory Parish Endowment Fund

Pam and Ed Reik Donor Advised Fund

Pamela J. Fay Endowment Fund

Paniccia Family Donor Advised Fund

Pasternack Family Donor Advised Fund

Pat Denardo Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Patricia L. & Carl F. Monnin Endowment Fund

Patricia Lawlor Memorial Endowment Fund for the Benefit of Christ the King Parish

Patricia Lawlor Memorial Endowment Fund for the Benefit of St. Catharine Parish

Patricia Lawlor Memorial Endowment Fund for the Benefit of The Catholic Foundation

Patricia Lawlor Memorial Endowment Fund for the Benefit of The Columbus Diocese

Patricia Rose Reik Memorial Fund (BWHS ’87)

Patrick & Lisa Kelley Family Donor Advised Fund

Patrick & Mary Kirwin Tonti Endowment Fund

Patrick & Teresa Gavin Donor Advised Fund

Patrick J. McCurdy, Jr. and Cheryl S. McCurdy and Family Donor Advised Fund

Paul and Catherine Azzola Donor Advised Fund

Paul and Kathleen Mahar Donor Advised Fund

Paul and Patricia Suver Endowment Fund

Paul Demmy Donor Advised Fund

Paul Horvath Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Paul Jannot Donor Advised Fund

PEACE Hanson Endowment Fund

Pearl & Earshal Korns Endowment Fund

Peshine Avenue Fund

Pete & Mary Ellen Cistone Endowment Fund

Peter & Dorothy Klein Memorial Scholarship Fund

Peter Clore Memorial Scholarship Fund

Phelan Family Endowment Fund

Philomena Merullo Memorial Endowment Fund

Phylis J. & Kevin G. Buerkle Endowment Fund

Phyllis T. Rohrbaugh Memorial Endowment Fund

Plescia Family Scholarship Endowment Fund

Portsmouth Catholic Social Services Endowment Fund

Pregnancy Decision Health Centers Donor Advised Fund

Principal Marian Hutson Endowment Fund

Prison Ministry Endowment Fund

Propagation of Faith Endowment Fund

Prunte Family Endowment Fund

Rachelle A. Martin Endowment Fund

Renate Hartline Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Respect Life Endowment Fund

Responsive Granting Fund

Retired Priest & Religious Endowment Fund

Reverend Jeffrey J. Rimelspach Donor Advised Fund

Reverend Jeffrey J. Rimelspach Scholarship Fund

Reverend Michael B. Watson Endowment Fund

Reverend Peter T. Thurheimer Endowment Fund

Richard & Gloria Brehm Family Endowment Fund

Richard & Nancy Prechtel Endowment Fund

Richard D. & Susan P. Bringardner Donor Advised Fund

Richard D. Wolfe Memorial Endowment Fund

Richard Gummer Family Donor Advised Fund

Richard Leitch Seminarian Education Endowment Fund

Rimelspach Family Endowment Fund for St. John School

Rimelspach Family Endowment Fund for St. Margaret of Cortona Church

Rimelspach Family Endowment Fund for the Pontifical College Josephinum

Rimelspach Family Endowment Fund for Tuition Assistance

Rimelspach Family Fund for J.O.I.N. Endowment Fund

Robert & Anna Lou Manion Endowment Fund

Robert & Ethelreda Overmeyer Family Endowment Fund

Robert & Suzanne Meyers Family Donor Advised Fund

Robert C. Dowd Endowment Fund

Robert D. & Kimberly T. Owens Endowment Fund

Robert D. & Mary S. McGraw Family Endowment Fund

Robert E. & Marie C. Curtin Family Endowment Fund

Robert Harwick Memorial Endowment Fund

Robert Sierakowski Science Endowment Fund

Roe Family Donor Advised Fund

Roger & Sarah Baughman Donor Advised Fund

Roger & Sharon Beck Family Endowment Fund

Romana Hemmelgarn Endowment Fund

Ronald & Barbara Rowland Donor Advised Fund

Ronald A. & Rose M. Thomas Family Donor Advised Fund

Ronald C. Sullivan Scholarship Fund

Ronald P. Fay Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Ronald R. Shay Scholarship Fund

Rosario P. & Betty (Brisgal) Drago & Carl & Rose Brisgal Scholarship Endowment Fund

Rose Family Donor Advised Fund

Rosemary & Stephen Pasternack Donor Advised Fund

Rosemary Lacey Endowment Fund

Ross Family Donor Advised Fund

Ruby Carlove Memorial Tuition Endowment Fund

Rufus Bernard Henderson Endowment Fund

Run the Race Club Endowment Fund

Ruscilli Family Donor Advised Fund

Ruth & Jack Strader Endowment Fund

Sacred Heart Calvary Cemetery Endowment Fund

Sacred Heart Foundation, Coshocton Endowment Fund

Sacred Heart Parish Education Endowment Fund

Sacred Heart, New Philadelphia Parish Endowment Fund

Sacred Hearts Church Pipe Organ Endowment

Sacred Hearts Parish, Cardington Endowment Fund

Sage Family Fund for Charitable Giving Donor Advised Fund

Saint John Vianney Parish Pastor Support Endowment Fund

Saint John Vianney Parish Pastor Support Endowment Fund

Saint Paul Beneficial Society Endowment Fund

Saint Stephen the Martyr Catholic Church Endowment Fund

Saints Telmo & Zita Fund

Salesian Society Endowment Fund

Sally & Tom O’Keefe Family Endowment Fund

Samuel & Audrey Marable Charitable Donor Advised Fund

Sarah Anna Reid Memorial Endowment Fund

Savko Family Endowment Fund

Schindler Family Donor Advised Fund

Schuda Family Donor Advised Fund

Scioto County Catholic Schools Endowment Fund

Scott A. & Gayle A. Oboy Pro-Life Donor Advised Fund

Scott A. & Gayle A. Oboy Pro-Life Endowment Fund

Sean P. Reed Memorial Donor Advised Fund

Senior Program & Services Endowment Fund

Serra Club of Columbus Religious Vocations Endowment Fund

Serra Club of North Columbus Donor Advised Fund

Serra Club of North Columbus Endowment Fund

Serve. Lead. Soar. The Capital Campaign Fund for Bishop Hartley High School.

Seton Parish Education Endowment Fund

Seton Shrine Endowment Fund

Shane Roush Memorial Endowment Fund

Shannon Whyte Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Sister Edith Fitzgerald Scholarship Endowment Fund

Snider Family Scholarship Endowment Fund

Snyder Tuition Endowment Fund

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Diocesan Council of Columbus Donor Advised Fund

South Columbus Vicariate Elementary Education Endowment Fund

Special Diocesan Needs Endowment Fund

Spiritual Entrepreneurs Vocations and Evangelization Endowment Fund

Ss. Peter & Paul Parish Endowment Fund

Ss. Peter & Paul Parish Maintenance and Repair Endowment Fund

Ss. Peter & Paul-Wellston School Endowment Fund

Ss. Peter & Paul, Glenmont Memorial Endowment Fund

Ss. Simon & Jude Parish Operating Endowment Fund

St. Agatha Organ Endowment Fund

St. Agatha Parish Capital Endowment Fund

St. Agatha Parish Endowment Fund

St. Agatha School Operations Endowment Fund

St. Agatha School Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

St. Andrew Bryce Eck Activity Center Endowment Fund

St. Andrew Elementary School Endowment Fund

St. Andrew Latin Scholarship Endowment Fund

St. Andrew Parish Endowment Fund

St. Andrew School Teacher Retention Endowment Fund

St. Andrew SPICE Endowment Fund

St. Ann Church of the St. Ann/Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Endowment Fund

St. Benedict Cambridge School Endowment Fund

St. Bernadette Parish Endowment Fund

St. Bernadette School Endowment Fund

St. Brendan Parish Endowment Fund

St. Brigid of Kildare Elementary School Sustainability Endowment Fund

St. Brigid of Kildare Maintenance Reserve Endowment Fund

St. Brigid of Kildare Parish School of Religion Endowment Fund

St. Brigid of Kildare School Teacher Education Endowment Fund

St. Brigid of Kildare School Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

St. Catharine Parish Endowment Fund

St. Catharine School Spirit Scholarship Endowment Fund

St. Catharine SPICE Endowment Fund

St. Cecilia Elementary School Endowment Fund

St. Cecilia Parish Endowment Fund

St. Cecilia Preschool Endowment Fund

St. Charles Mothers Club Scholarship Endowment Fund

St. Charles Preparatory School Endowment Fund 2015

St. Charles Preparatory School Teacher Enrichment Endowment Fund

St. Charles Preparatory School Technology Needs Endowment Fund

St. Charles Preparatory School Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

St. Christopher Parish Endowment Fund

St. Colman Cemetery Endowment Fund

St. Colman of Cloyne Parish Endowment Fund

St. Dominic Convent Donor Advised Fund

St. Dominic Convent Endowment Fund

St. Dominic Parish Endowment Fund

St. Edward the Confessor Parish Endowment Fund

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton & St. John Neumann Memorial Endowment Fund

St. Elizabeth Church Endowment Fund

St. Francis Animal Rescue Donor Advised Fund

St. Francis Animal Rescue Endowment Fund

St. Francis de Sales, Newark Elementary School Endowment Fund

St. Francis de Sales, Newark/Mount Cavalry Cemetery Endowment Fund

St. Francis de Sales, Newark/St. Joseph Cemetery Endowment Fund

St. Francis de Sales/Thomas McGann Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

St. Francis DeSales Legacy Donor Advised Fund

St. Francis Evangelization Center, McArthur Endowment Fund

St. Francis of Assisi Parish Endowment Fund

St. James the Less Parish Endowment Fund

St. James the Less Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

St. Joan of Arc Parish Endowment Fund

St. John Catholic School Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

St. John Center Endowment Fund

St. John Neumann Capital Endowment Fund

St. John Neumann Ministries & Programs Endowment Fund

St. John Neumann Parish Outreach Endowment Fund

St. John of Capistrano Donor Advised Fund

St. John of Capistrano Endowment Fund

St. John Parish, Logan Endowment Fund

St. John the Baptist Church Centennial Endowment Fund

St. John XXIII Parish Endowment Fund

St. John XXIII Parish Legacy Fund

St. John XXIII Parish Legacy Fund

St. John’s Hermitage Donor Advised Fund

St. John’s Italian Cultural Center Endowment Fund

St. Joseph Cathedral Catholic Education Endowment Fund

St. Joseph Cathedral Music Ministry Endowment Fund

St. Joseph Cathedral Parish Endowment Fund

St. Joseph Cemetery, Circleville Endowment Fund

St. Joseph Church, Summit Hill, PA Endowment Fund

St. Joseph Montessori School Endowment Fund

St. Joseph Parish Sugar Grove Endowment Fund

St. Joseph Parish, Plain City/McGuire Endowment Fund

St. Joseph, Circleville Cemetery Endowment Fund

St. Joseph, Circleville Parish Endowment Fund

St. Joseph, Dover – School Operation Endowment

St. Joseph, Dover Cemeteries Maintenance Endowment Fund

St. Joseph, Dover Parish Endowment Fund

St. Joseph, Dover/Sister Dolores Lally Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

St. Joseph, Plain City St. Vincent de Paul Society Endowment Fund

St. Leo Parish Memorial Seminarian Assistance Endowment Fund

St. Luke Parish Cemetery Endowment Fund

St. Luke, Danville Parish Endowment Fund

St. Margaret of Cortona Endowment Fund

St. Mark Parish Youth Education & Activity Endowment Fund

St. Mark, Lancaster Parish Endowment Fund

St. Martha Women’s Giving Circle Donor Advised Fund

St. Mary Elementary School Endowment Fund

St. Mary Magdalene Endowment Fund

St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish, Portsmouth Endowment Fund

St. Mary of the Springs Academy Alumnae Association Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

St. Mary of the Springs Academy Alumnae Room at the Jubilee Museum

St. Mary Parish Endowment Fund

St. Mary Parish School Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Chillicothe Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Columbus Parish Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Delaware Cemetery Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Delaware Education Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Marion Cemetery Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Marion Evangelization & Care for the Poor Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Marion Parish Buildings Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Marion Parish Buildings Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Marion Parish Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Marion Pipe Organ Maintenance & Repair Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Marion Scholarship Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Marion School Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Marion Tuition Reduction Endowment Fund

St. Mary, Queen of the Missions Catholic Church Endowment Fund

St. Mary/Dennison High School Class of ’54 Endowment Fund

St. Matthew Parish Endowment Fund

St. Matthias Parish/Father Dermody Endowment Fund

St. Michael Athletic Association Endowment Fund

St. Michael Athletic Association Scholarship Endowment Fund

St. Michael Church Continuing Education for Religion Teachers Endowment Fund

St. Michael Church Endowment Fund

St. Michael Church Landscape Endowment Fund

St. Michael Music Endowment Fund

St. Michael Parish School Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

St. Michael School Endowment Fund

St. Michael School Scholarship Endowment Fund

St. Monica Parish, New Boston Endowment Fund

St. Nicholas Foundation Parish Endowment Fund

St. Nicholas Foundation School Endowment Fund

St. Nicholas Foundation/Mount Olive Endowment Fund

St. Patrick Parish Elementary School Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

St. Patrick Parish Endowment Fund

St. Patrick Parish Vocations-Youth Endowment Fund

St. Patrick Parish, London Endowment Fund

St. Patrick, London Elementary School Endowment Fund

St. Paul Education Foundation Endowment Fund

St. Paul Parish Endowment Fund

St. Paul’s Outreach Endowment Fund

St. Peter Parish Endowment Fund

St. Peter Parish, Wheelersburg Endowment Fund

St. Peter St. Joan of Arc Parish Endowment Fund

St. Peter, Chillicothe Endowment Fund

St. Peter, Millersburg Memorial Endowment Fund

St. Peter, Wheelersburg Cemetery Endowment Fund

St. Philip Neri/Murray City Endowment Fund

St. Pius X Endowment Fund

St. Pius X Parish Endowment Fund

St. Stephen’s Community House Endowment Fund

St. Sylvester Catholic Cemetery Endowment Fund

St. Sylvester Parish, Zaleski Endowment Fund

St. Thomas More Newman Center Endowment Fund

St. Thomas More Newman Spiritual Enrichment Endowment Fund

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Endowment Fund

St. Timothy Parish Endowment Fund

St. Timothy School Endowment Fund

St. Vincent de Paul Housing Facilities Donor Advised Fund

St. Vincent de Paul Housing Facilities Endowment Fund

St. Vincent de Paul Parish Endowment Fund

St. Vincent de Paul School Endowment Fund

St. Vincent De Paul Society at St. Margaret of Cortona Parish Endowment Fund

St. Vincent de Paul Society Endowment Fund

St. Vincent de Paul Society Hilltop Area Assistance Endowment Fund

St. Vincent de Paul, Marion, Ohio Donor Advised Fund

St. Vincent Family Center Endowment Fund

Stallion Pride Appreciation Endowment Fund

Stedman/Legacy of Catholic Learning Endowment Fund

Steele Family Donor Advised Fund

Steele Family Endowment Fund

Stephanie E. Varga Endowment Fund

Stephen P. Cianca Memorial Family Endowment for the SPICE (Special People in Catholic Education) Program at St. Brigid of Kildare Parish

Steven J. Gyuro/St. Brigid of Kildare School Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Steven L. & Salena A. Hitchens Scholarship Fund

Strengthen Marriages & Family Life Endowment Fund

Sullivan Family Endowment Fund

Support for Catholic Charities Endowment Fund

Support for Catholic Education Endowment Fund

Support for Parishes Endowment Fund

Support for Vocations Endowment Fund

Susan Ellen Farry Memorial Endowment Fund

T. Claudia McQuaid Doyle & George P. Doyle, Jr. Memorial for Learning Disabilities Endowment Fund

T.J. Baesmann Scholarship Fund

Teena Gallagher St. Francis Donor Advised Fund

Tehan-Dunn Education of Religion Teachers Endowment Fund

Tehan-Dunn Family Endowment Fund for Catholic Social Services

Teresa M. Gelonese Science Scholarship Fund

Terry Deibel Memorial Donor Advised Fund

The A. Patrick & Mary Kirwin Tonti Endowment Fund for J.O.I.N.

The A. Patrick & Mary Kirwin Tonti Endowment Fund for the Diocese of Columbus

The A. Patrick & Mary Kirwin Tonti Endowment Fund for the Holy Spirit Family Soup Kitchen

The A. Patrick & Mary Tonti Endowment Fund for the St. Agatha Church St. Vincent de Paul Society

The Aaron Family Fund

The Abruzzi Club Scholarship Fund

The Ada and Charles Jacobs Family Donor Advised Fund

The Agan Family Donor Advised Fund

The Ailabouni Family Endowment Fund

The Anita Fouch Donor Advised Fund

The Anita Fouch Endowment Fund

The Ann and Paul O’Neill Catholic Youth Education Endowment Fund

The Ann Welsh Library/Technology Endowment Fund

The Anonymous Donor Advised Fund

The Anthony Schmelzer Donor Advised Fund

The Arbogast Family Donor Advised Fund

The Ashley McBride Taylor and Sean Taylor Donor Advised Fund

The Barb Lining Endowment Fund

The Barbara Ann Distelhorst Donor Advised Fund

The Barbara Sharpe Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The Bayer Family Foundation

The Beecher Marmion Donor Advised Fund

The Ben Mason Catholic Youth Education Endowment Fund

The Beth and Tim Reik Donor Advised Fund

The Beth Vanderkooi Donor Advised Fund

The Bill and Ruth Neal Memorial Fund

The Birthright of Columbus Donor Advised Fund

The Bishop Elwell Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Bishop Flaget Catholic Excellence Scholarship

The Bishop Griffin Resource Center “Lift Up Your Neighbor” Campaign Fund

The Bishop Hartley Alumni Legacy Endowment Fund

The Bishop Hartley Class of 1988 Endowment Fund

The Bishop of Columbus Charitable Fund

The Bishop Ready Champions Fund

The Bishop Rosecrans High School Class of 1972 Memorial Endowment Fund

The Bishop Watterson Family Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Bishop Watterson Legends Endowment Fund

The BL/AL Donor Advised Fund

The Bob and Mary Ginn Ryan Family Donor Advised Fund

The Bottoms Up Diaper Drive Donor Advised Fund

The Bradley and Marcia Walters Donor Advised Fund

The Brady Hempleman Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Brenda L. Martinez Donor Advised Fund

The Brendan Foley Memorial Endowment Fund

The Brian and Margaret Igel Family Fund

The Brian J. Gibbons Donor Advised Fund

The Bruce and Kris Fraser Donor Advised Fund

The Bruce and Mary Ann Luecke Donor Advised Fund

The Bunstine Family Donor Advised Fund

The Cahill Family Charitable Fund

The CappFam Fund

The Carol Lynn Bailey Memorial Foundation

The Catherine O. Anderson Memorial Endowment Fund

The Catholic Medical Association of Central Ohio Endowment Fund

The Catholic Men’s Ministry Donor Advised Fund

The Catholic Schools of Zanesville Endowment Fund

The Central Ohio Association of Catholic Educators Donor Advised Fund

The Chad and Kinder Gummer Family Fund

The Charity Newsies Catholic Schools Uniform Fund

The Charles and Anne Marie Geiger Family Donor Advised Fund

The Charles R. Emmerling Memorial Fund

The Cheryl M. Boggess Donor Advised Fund

The Chris and Brittany Vonau Donor Advised Fund

The Christina K Higgins Endowment Fund

The Christopher Golonka Family Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Church of the Holy Trinity Cemeteries Endowment Fund

The Church of the Resurrection Charitable Works Endowment Fund

The Churchwoods Fund

The Cindy, Ben, and Jim Smith “You Can Make A Difference” Scholarship Fund

The Clark- Mixtacki Family Donor Advised Fund

The Clark- Mixtacki Family Endowment Fund

The Cleary Family Donor Advised Fund

The Colucci Family Fund

The Columbus Seminarian Discernment Fund

The Cones Family Donor Advised Fund

The Connie Gallaher Fund For The Mission of Ohio Dominican University

The Cris Damo Memorial Fund

The Cum Christo Endowment Fund

The Cummins/Murphy Family Bishop Ready Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The Dan and Barb Bringardner Donor Advised Fund

The Dana Gentile Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Danny and Carol Steele Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The David and Carole Francis Endowment Fund for St. Brigid of Kildare Elementary School

The David and Elisa McCurdy Donor Advised Fund

The Deacon Don and Julie Poirier Donor Advised Fund

The DeAscentis Family Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Deborah A. Coleman Endowment Fund

The Dennis Wirtz Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Deutschle Family Donor Advised Fund

The Dick and Pat Black Donor Advised Fund

The Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary Women Religious Endowment Fund

The Donald J. and Barbara C. Lewis Endowment Fund

The Douglas and Stephanie Thornton Donor Advised Fund

The Doyle Family Fund

The Dr. Thomas (Thom) A. and Sonia L. Lisk Endowment Fund

The Eisenhauer Family Donor Advised Fund

The Elaina Morosky Concheck Donor Advised Fund

The Elaine L. Rannells Donor Advised Fund

The Elder Educational Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund for the Bishop Hartley High School Capital Campaign

The Eric Steinmann Donor Advised Fund

The Erin Gibbons Memorial Endowment Fund for St. Brigid of Kildare Elementary School

The Falkenbach Family Donor Advised Fund

The Father David Sizemore Adult Faith Formation and Evangelization Endowment Fund

The Father David Sizemore Damascus Youth & Adult Scholarships Fund

The Father Peter Gideon Endowment Fund

The Father Roger Patrick Gorman Donor Advised Fund

The Feldmann Family Donor Advised Fund

The Fiala- Fristad Family Donor Advised Fund

The Fields Family Donor Advised Fund

The Fisher Catholic Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Fitzpatrick Family Donor Advised Fund

The Fouch Family Giving Donor Advised Fund

The Francis and Cora Durbin Donor Advised Fund

The Frank and Fran Fantin Family Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The Fred J. and Patrice Takavitz Donor Advised Fund

The Ganobsik Family Donor Advised Fund

The Gary and Denise Zimmerman Family Donor Advised Fund

The Gialamas Family Fund

The Ginger West Endowment Fund

The Glendon and Ann Pratt Family Donor Advised Fund

The Greater Columbus Right to Life Donor Advised Fund

The Guido and JoAnn Ricevuto Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Gusching Family Donor Advised Fund

The Haemmerle Family Charitable Gift Fund

The Hahn Family Charitable Gift Fund

The Hamrock Family Donor Advised Fund

The Hands and Feet of Christ Scholarship Fund

The Harry and Jeanne Cahill Hollern Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The Hartig Family Donor Advised Fund

The Hartman Family Donor Advised Fund

The Hedda and Dr. Heimo Langer Chemistry Department Endowment Fund at Ohio Dominican University

The Hedda Langer Education Endowment Fund

The Helen and Brian Jones Donor Advised Fund

The Helen N. Shott and Walter Shott Endowment Fund

The Helping Hands Health and Wellness Center Donor Advised Fund

The Heppner Family Donor Advised Fund

The Heppner/Brownfield Family Donor Advised Fund

The Heppner/Brownfield Family Endowment Fund

The Herma T. Green Endowment Fund

The Hickman Family Donor Advised Fund

The Holy Trinity Cemetery, Pond Creek Endowment Fund

The Holy Trinity, Somerset Parish and School Endowment Fund

The Homeport Donor Advised Fund

The Homeport Legacy Endowment Fund

The Hoopingarner Family Donor Advised Fund

The Humanitarian Scholarship Fund

The Imber Family Fund

The Immaculate Conception Parish and School Endowment Fund

The Infante Family Donor Advised Fund

The Jacob and Florence Moses Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The James and Kamer Family Endowment Fund

The James J. Muetzel Lancaster Tuition Assistance Fund

The James R. Hunkler St. Christopher Parish Endowment Fund

The Jane Ann Dean Endowment Fund

The Jane Thiel Donor Advised Fund

The Jean Kelly and Greg Ramah Donor Advised Fund

The Jean M. Spinosi Donor Advised Fund

The Jeff and Megan Walker Family Donor Advised Fund

The Jeffrey J. Rimelspach Fund for the Women’s Care Center

The Jerry and Nancy Davis Family Endowment Fund

The Jerry Freewalt Memorial Foundation

The Jim and Peggy Mackessy Donor Advised Fund

The Jim Foley Endowment Fund for Cristo Rey Columbus High School

The Jim Schmall Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Jimmy and Tierney Hankenhof Family Donor Advised Fund

The Joanne and Bill McGuire Donor Advised Fund

The Joe and Melanie Pizzino Family Donor Advised Fund

The Joel and Sarah Clark Donor Advised Fund

The John and Connie Sauter Family Scholarship Endowment Fund

The John and Dolores Igel Distribution Fund

The John and Donna Swartz Donor Advised Fund

The John and Linda Mackessy Family Fund

The John and Lisa Pomerleau Donor Advised Fund

The John and Mary Ebner Endowment Fund

The John and Michelle McHugh Family Fund

The John and Stefanie Morrow Family Donor Advised Fund

The John and Vicki Gigliotti Family Fund

The John F. Gibbons Jr. Donor Advised Fund

The Joseph A. and Amy A. Knapke Endowment Fund

The Joseph and Elois Cua Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Joseph and Kelly Madich Donor Advised Fund

The Joseph Dury Vocations Endowment Fund

The Juliet and Harriet Mascarenhas Endowment Fund

The Justine Spinosi Blossom Donor Advised Fund

The Kanowsky- Ey Family Donor Advised Fund

The Karl and Randi Crook Donor Advised Fund

The Kathleen C. McClernon Memorial Fund

The Kathleen M. Gibbons Donor Advised Fund

The Kathryn S. Hirsch Endowment Fund

The Katie and Thatcher Hallock Charitable Fund

The Katie Brosmer Bishop Hartley High School Endowment Fund

The Katie Brosmer Bishop Watterson High School Endowment Fund

The Katie Brosmer J.O.I.N. Endowment Fund

The Kaufman Family Donor Advised Fund

The Ken and Penny Yunker Donor Advised Fund

The Kevin and Anita Schroeder Family Endowment Fund

The Kevin and Frances O’Brien Donor Advised Fund

The Kevin and Lisa Barlage Donor Advised Fund

The Kevin and Marie Quinn Charitable Fund

The Kevin B. Fergus Memorial Endowment Fund

The Kevin L. and Anita M. Schroeder Donor Advised Fund

The Kevin P. and Mary C. Murphy Family Donor Advised Fund

The Kieffer Family Charitable Fund

The King Family Donor Advised Fund

The Kira and Greg Brunton Family Donor Advised Fund

The Kirian Family Donor Advised Fund

The Knights of Columbus Council #994 Donor Advised Fund

The Knights of Columbus Council 400 Endowment Fund

The Knights of Columbus Council 671 Donor Advised Fund

The Knights of Columbus Rita Myers Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The Kudija Family Charitable Fund

The Labour of Love Foundation

The Lahm Family Fund

The Langhals Family Donor Advised Fund

The Larry and Carol Harris Endowment Fund

The Laura Flanagan Bowen Donor Advised Fund

The Laura Giammarco Cua Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Laura M. and Michael S. Julian Donor Advised Fund

The Lemerich Family Donor Advised Fund

The Leo Steger Music Ministry Donor Advised Fund

The Lewe Pauls Fund

The Libby Family Endowment Fund

The Licking County Catholic Schools SPICE Endowment Fund

The Linc Worldwide Donor Advised Fund

The Linda and Michael Stickney Donor Advised Fund

The Lisa K. Dumm Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Luffler Family Giving Foundation

The Luther Orick Scholarship Donor Advised Fund

The Macynski Family Donor Advised Fund

The Macynski Family Endowment Fund

The Magalski Family Fund

The Mangia-Beale Family Donor Advised Fund

The Maria and Jason Dishop Donor Advised Fund

The Maria Theresa Jeric Memorial Fund

The Mark and Andrea Holland Donor Advised Fund

The Mark and Andrea Holland Endowment Fund

The Mark and Sharon Tranovich Donor Advised Fund

The Mark Zimmer DeSales Wrestling Fund

The Martha Weger Liturgical Endowment Fund

The Mary A. King Endowment Fund

The Mary and Harvey Rossetti Sr. Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Mary Kathryn Shaw Endowment Fund

The Masys Family Endowment Fund

The Matera Family Donor Advised Fund

The Matthew and Tammy Dixon Philanthropic Fund

The Matthew B. and Jill L. Haller Donor Advised Fund

The Maureen M. Travis Life Teen Donor Advised Fund

The McAllister Family Donor Advised Fund

The McCauley Family Donor Advised Fund

The McGinley Family Charitable Fund

The Mercy Donor Advised Fund

The Mers Family Donor Advised Fund

The MHI Family Donor Advised Fund

The Michael and Fernanda Heyeck Endowment Fund

The Michael and Sara Nagy Donor Advised Fund

The Michael and Sharon Stickle Catechesis Instruction Fund

The Michael P. Gibbons Donor Advised Fund

The Michael R. Winters Endowment Fund

The Michael Robb Memorial Endowment Fund for Fisher Catholic Athletics

The Mifsud Family Donor Advised Fund

The Mike and Aimee Luckett Family Endowment Fund

The MJC Endowment Fund

The Molly Mathewson Fund

The Monsignor Paul P. Enke and Monsignor John K. Cody Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The Monsignor Sorohan Catholic Education Endowment Fund

The Mrs. James Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The Museum of Catholic Art & History Fund

The Nancy Miller Shirk Tuition Assistance Fund

The Nativity of Mary Scholarship Fund

The Nettler Family Donor Advised Fund

The Newark Catholic High School “Together We Rise” Campaign Fund

The Newark Catholic High School Inspire Campaign Donor Advised Fund

The Niklaus Family Donor Advised Fund

The Nina Sierakowski Memorial Endowment Fund for the St. Andrew School Science Program

The Norman and Robin Altman Donor Advised Fund

The Norman K. and Florence J. Fortin Endowment Fund

The Norton Family Endowment Fund

The Odenweller Family Donor Advised Fund

The Oles Family Fund

The OpenDoor Donor Advised Fund

The Patrick and Darlene Walsh Donor Advised Fund

The Patrick and JoAnn Fehring Family Donor Advised Fund

The Patrick and JoAnn Fehring Family Endowment Fund

The Patrick Family Bishop Watterson High School Endowment Fund

The Patrick Family Cristo Rey Columbus High School Endowment Fund

The Patrick Family St. Agatha Parish and School Endowment Fund

The Patrick J. and Mary Anne D’Andrea Family Donor Advised Fund

The Paul and Mallory Waldmiller Donor Advised Fund

The Paul Coleman Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Paul H. and Deborah Dye Coleman Donor Advised Fund

The Paul V. Lahm Endowment Fund

The Paul, Suzanne, and Elizabeth Butler Endowment Fund

The Peter William Selent Endowment Fund

The Polly and David Forde-Johnston Endowment Fund

The Polly Scherger Servant Leadership Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The Preston Family Donor Advised Fund

The Ray Leo Endowment Fund

The Raymond V. Young Donor Advised Fund

The Realize Your Calling Fund

The Reverend Eugene Joseph Donor Advised Fund

The Reverend Father Paul Voisard Memorial Fund

The Reverend Jeffrey J. Rimelspach Fund for Catholic Social Services of Columbus, Ohio

The Reverend Jeffrey J. Rimelspach Fund for Holy Family Soup Kitchen

The Reverend Jeffrey J. Rimelspach Fund for St. Vincent Family Services of Columbus, Ohio

The Reverend Jeffrey J. Rimelspach Fund for the ‘We Are Friends Ministry’ of St. John Church, Logan

The Richard and Regina Hinterschied Family Fund

The Rick and Anne Marie Thomas Family Donor Advised Fund

The Riederer Family Endowment Fund (“The Penny Fund”) in Support of SPO

The Rimelspach Seminarian Assistance Fund

The Robert and Jennifer Gervasi Donor Advised Fund

The Robert C. and Polly E. Scherger Donor Advised Fund

The Robert E. and Rhoda M. Wilson Scholarship Fund

The Robert L. and Marie M. Dawes Catholic Education Endowment Fund

The Robert T. Moraine Family Donor Advised Fund

The Robert W. & Margaret (Powers) McGee Memorial Endowment Fund

The Roman Catholic Complex at 305 and 307 Market Street and 7 Rambo Street, Danville, Ohio Donor Advised Fund

The Romelfanger Family Donor Advised Fund

The Ron and Mary Anne Stiebler Donor Advised Fund

The Sacred Heart Enthronement Network Donor Advised Fund

The Saint Joseph Endowment Fund

The Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Education and Development Endowment Fund

The Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish Endowment Fund

The Sarah McKinney Donor Advised Fund

The Sarah McKinney Endowment Fund

The Scherger Family Fund

The Schindler Family Fund Benefitting The Bishop Griffin Resource Center

The Schira Family Fund

The Schockling Family Donor Advised Fund

The Scioto Catholic Mission Endowment Fund

The Scott and Janine King Donor Advised Fund

The Scott Family Endowment Fund for Bishop Watterson High School

The Season of Hope Bereavement Ministry Donor Advised Fund

The Seidensticker Charitable Fund

The Serra Club of Columbus Priestly Vocations Tuition Assistance Fund

The Seton Parish Operations Endowment Fund

The Sheila L. Franco Donor Advised Fund

The Simmers Family Endowment Fund for Bishop Watterson High School

The Sisters of St. Francis Providence Place Endowment Fund

The Smeltzer Family Donor Advised Fund

The Ss. Simon & Jude Maintenance Endowment Fund

The St. Andrew, IC, OLP Football Donor Advised Fund

The St. Callistus Catholic Cemeteries of Columbus Perpetual Care Endowment Fund

The St. Catharine SPICE Donor Advised Fund

The St. Charbel Benevolent Fund

The St. Francis de Sales Catholic Outreach Ministries Fund

The St. Francis de Sales General Needs and Infrastructure Fund

The St. Francis de Sales Mission, Ministries, and Evangelization Fund

The St. Francis DeSales Faculty Tradition of Excellence Scholarship Endowment Fund

The St. Francis DeSales Grandparent’s Scholarship Endowment Fund

The St. Francis DeSales High School Building Maintenance Endowment Fund

The St. Francis DeSales High School Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

The St. Gabriel Catholic Radio Network Donor Advised Fund

The St. John XXIII Music Ministry Endowment Fund

The St. Joseph of Cupertino Donor Advised Fund

The St. Joseph, Somerset Parish Endowment Fund

The St. Kizito’s Champions for Children Donor Advised Fund

The St. Mary Delaware Youth Ministry Donor Advised Fund

The St. Mary of the Springs Academy Alumnae Association Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The St. Mary Parish, Delaware Endowment Fund

The St. Mary School German Village Rooted in Faith, Education, and Community Campaign Fund

The St. Mary School, Inc. Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The St. Matthias School Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The St. Michael Preschool Scholarship Endowment Fund

The St. Monica and St. Joseph Tuition Assistance Donor Advised Fund

The St. Paul School Endowment Fund

The St. Teresa of Calcutta Tuition Assistance Fund

The St. Vincent de Paul Society Scroggins Family Endowment Fund

The St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Catharine of Siena Conference Endowment Fund

The St. Vincent DePaul, Powell, Ohio Donor Advised Fund

The St. Vincent Haven “Building Hope” Campaign Fund for Construction and Capital

The St. Vincent Haven “Building Hope” Campaign Fund for Expansion Operating and Programming

The Steffy Family Donor Advised Fund

The Stephen M. Brown Jr. and Ivy P. Brown Donor Advised Fund

The Steven L. and Selena A. Hitchens Donor Advised Fund

The Susan and David Wechter Family Donor Advised Fund

The Susan Bigelow Memorial Fund

The Susi Family Charitable Fund

The Susi Family Mass Fund

The Suzanne M. Luffler Donor Advised Fund

The Teena Gallagher St. Francis Endowment Fund

The Tehan- Dunn Donor Advised Fund

The Thelma R. and Sydney O. Fernandes Bishop’s Ecclesiastical Attire, Adornment, and Devotional Fund

The Thomas and Caroline Kurtz Donor Advised Fund

The Thomas and Deborah Harvey Family Donor Advised Fund

The Thomas and Kathleen Chellis Donor Advised Fund

The Thomas Aquinas Croarkin Youth Service Endowment Fund

The Thomas Metzger Donor Advised Fund

The Thompson Family Giving Fund

The Tim and Susan Conlan Donor Advised Fund

The Tim and Susan Conlan Endowment Fund

The Timothy I. Flahive St. Mary School Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The Tom and Katy Dalrymple Donor Advised Fund

The Tom and Mary Kay Mulligan Family Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Tony and Debbie Pizzuro Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Tuscarawas Central Catholic Schools Teacher and Staff Development Fund

The Urquhart Family Donor Advised Fund

The Vicky Mercer Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

The Vincent R. Yezzi Memorial Donor Advised Fund

The Vincent R. Yezzi Memorial Endowment Fund

The Walter Platte Fund for Mother Angeline McCrory Manor and the Villas at St. Therese

The Warner Family Donor Advised Fund

The We Are Friends Donor Advised Fund

The Wengerd Family Fund

The William and Katherine Kelly Donor Advised Fund

The William J. and Mary Vergis Denk Charitable Fund

The Young Catholic Professionals (YCP) Columbus Donor Advised Fund

The Young-Nevelos Family Endowment Fund

The Z&D Family Foundation Donor Advised Fund

Theodore P. Uritus Family Donor Advised Fund

Theodore W. & Anne K. Van Scoy Donor Advised Fund

Thomas & Charlene Schultz Donor Advised Fund

Thomas & Dominique Smith Endowment Fund

Thomas J. & Jane V. Prunte Donor Advised Fund

Thomas J. Maloney Endowement Fund for JOIN

Thomas J. Maloney Endowment Fund for Catholic Social Services

Thomas L. Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund

Thomas Patrick & Mary M. McGuire Scholarship Endowment Fund

Thomas S. Domitrovich Memorial Endowment Fund

Timothy J. & Jean A. Martin Endowment Fund

Tom & Loretta Stanton Endowment Fund for Catholic Social Services

Tom & Peggy Murphy Donor Advised Fund

Tommie Meyers-Palmer Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund

Tony & Amy Mampieri Donor Advised Fund

Tracy L. & Daniel P. Lacey Endowment Fund

Tribunal Endowment Fund

Trinity Elementary School Endowment Fund

Tuscarawas Central Catholic High School Endowment Fund

Tuscarawas Central Catholic High School Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

Tuscarawas County Catholic Schools Endowment Fund

Tuscarawas County Schools Endowment Fund

Twylah & Charles Grunewald Memorial Endowment Fund

Van Buskirk Family Endowment Fund

Villas at St. Therese Resident Assistance Endowment Fund

Vincent W. & Maryann Kyle Donor Advised Fund

Virginia L. Ruppeck Educational Endowment Fund

Visintine McCabe Igoe Trust

Volpe Memorial Endowment Fund

Vonau Family Donor Advised Fund

Walter & Rita M. Siemer/Holy Spirit Endowment Fund

Walter R. Platte Donor Advised Fund

Weekley Family Endowment Fund

White Family Fund

William G. & Patricia M. Jurgensen Donor Advised Fund

William H. & Dorothy M. Davis Endowment Fund

William H. Nolan & Elizabeth Lynch Nolan Endowment Fund

William J. & Marjorie B. Kelly, Sr. Endowment Fund

William J. and Mary C. Denk Donor Advised Fund

William J. Geiszler Endowment Fund

William L. & Nancy C. Biecker Donor Advised Fund

William R. & Suzanne M. Rectanus Donor Advised Fund

William V. Fisher Catholic High School Endowment Fund

William V. Fisher Catholic High School- Schorr Family Endowment Fund

William V. Fisher Topper Endowment Fund

Williams Family Donor Advised Fund

Williams Family Scholarship Endowment Fund

Wilson Family Donor Advised Fund

Women’s Care Center of Ohio Endowment Fund

Yvette B. Massey Memorial Endowment Fund

Zanesville Catholic Education Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund

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Child being handed a book from a woman in a classroom setting.
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“Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 
2 Corinthians 9: 6-7