A woman helping a student at a table.

Our Impact

Our Mission

In Christ, we transform generosity into real-world impact by investing in the future of parishes, education, vocations, and ministries in our Catholic community. 

Through the generosity of fund holders, everyday givers, and parish endowments, The Catholic Foundation has granted over $200 million since its inception to help front-line workers spread Christ’s joy and mercy to those they serve.

Woman reading a religious text to children.

See Real-World Impact

Case Studies

Our Giving Pillars

The Catholic Foundation focuses our funding in four areas of our Catholic faith. 


Within the 23-county diocese of Columbus, we partner with the faithful to multiply inspired generosity through the strategic investment of parish endowment funds and assist in meeting the needs of the local community of Catholic believers.


Catholic education is the cradle of evangelization. We support learning beginning with pre-school, extending from kindergarten through elementary, middle and high schools to Catholic colleges and universities. We also support Parish School of Religion (PSR) programming for students learning to enrich their faith outside of Catholic schools.


We have a deep and abiding commitment to ensure the faith for the future. Fostering programs that help men and women discern a religious life is one of the surest and strongest ways to support the next generation of Catholic leaders.


For the front-line ministries acting as the hands and feet of Christ, we provide funding, support, and strategic counsel to help meet their needs and advance their mission.

A person sitting on a couch with clasped hands.

Knowledge of the Need 

As experts in philanthropy, we have a deep knowledge of the need through our relationships with those who share in our mission to strengthen and perpetuate our Catholic community

  • Bishop Earl K. Fernandes & Diocese of Columbus
  • Parish Pastors
  • Catholic School Administrators
  • Ministry Leaders 

The Catholic Foundation’s Church and Community Fund gives donors the opportunity to contribute to the greatest needs in our diocese. These needs range anywhere from repairing a parish roof, purchasing a new refrigerator for a local food pantry, faith formation in our schools, and seminarian tuition assistance.

Group of boys kneeling in pews in a church.

Our Values

At The Catholic Foundation, we exist to connect Catholics with the profound joy that comes with openhearted generosity. 

The realization that all of life is a gift, and we were blessed for the specific purpose of blessing others.

We believe that giving isn’t something we have to doit’s something we get to do as Christ’s followers.

Parish Endowments

Did you know?

Every parish in the Columbus diocese has an endowment fund that provides a perpetual source of income to help support the general needs of the church. You can contribute to your parish’s endowment fund in any amount, at any time.

Please contact The Catholic Foundation if you want more information on leaving your legacy by bestowing a gift to your parish’s endowment fund. 


Headshot of Scott Hartman.

Scott Hartman, MBA, CFRE

Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer

614-443-8893   Ext. 1040

Exterior shot of a tall church with shutters and stained glass windows.
Child being handed a book from a woman in a classroom setting.
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“Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 
2 Corinthians 9: 6-7