St. Matthias School Improved Security System

A school’s security system plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of its students and staff. It provides a secure learning environment and enables students to participate in extracurricular activities. A well-functioning security system allows the staff to perform their duties without interruption and gives parents peace of mind, knowing their children are safe. St. Matthias School has a diverse student body of almost 270 students representing every continent except Antarctica and Australia. Carey Wrigley, the school’s principal, graduated from St. Matthias in 1989 and understands the importance of creating a safe and welcoming environment for her students. She believes every student should feel comfortable entering the school building, just like she did when she was a student.

St. Matthias received a responsive grant from The Catholic Foundation to invest in updated doors, security cameras, and keypad/key cards. The primary objective of this investment is to eliminate incidents of doors being propped open, lack of security camera footage due to outdated technology, and to prevent staff from being locked out of the building due to a malfunctioning keypad.

Proper safety measures are crucial for St. Matthias to continue operating as a Catholic presence in the Northland area. This will also enable the school to safely host student and athletic events on weeknights and weekends outside school hours. Catholic schools play a vital role in fostering evangelization, and St. Matthias is proud to serve as a school and faith home to a diverse population of students.

Child being handed a book from a woman in a classroom setting.
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“Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 
2 Corinthians 9: 6-7