Advent Gathering

Professional Advisors Group and St. Martha Giving Circle members are cordially invited to celebrate the reason for the Christmas season on Tuesday, December 10, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at The Catholic Foundation. Enjoy fellowship, food, drinks, and a self-guided tour of 300+ nativity scenes courtesy of our friends at The Museum of Catholic Art & History.

You are welcome to bring your spouse or a guest. Additional parking is available in the lot behind St. Joseph’s Cathedral.

PAG Members RSVP to Rebecca Price at

Martha Members RSVP to Jean Spinosi at

Bridge The Gap

The Bridge The Gap initiative offers you the opportunity to make a real-world impact in your community by supporting local organizations that serve vulnerable and underserved members. Organizations such as Back In His Arms Again, Bottoms Up Diaper Bank, Christ Child Society, Families Flourish, and Pregnancy Decision Health Center need additional financial assistance for specific projects or programs.

To learn more about how you can contribute and make a meaningful difference, please visit:

Cemetery with large green trees American flags.

Fund Spotlight: Catholic Cemeteries of Columbus

Catholic Cemeteries of Columbus

The importance of a proper burial is stressed throughout the Gospel.  Showing compassion for others and treating everyone with the dignity and respect they deserve is at the heart of the corporate works of mercy, and our deceased loved ones are no different.  “Our cemeteries represent the tradition that accompanies burying the dead and their perpetual care until Christ returns,” says Deacon Jeffrey Fortkamp, Director of Catholic Cemeteries of Columbus.

The Catholic Cemeteries serves around 1,000 families each year by helping the faithful accept death in the context of our Catholic faith and provide a dignified burial and eternal resting spot. Mt. Calvary, St. Joseph, Resurrection, and Holy Cross’ daily operations, including the maintenance of the scenic grounds, are covered by an existing fund. Deacon Jeffrey wants to ensure these properties are protected from any unexpected, extraordinary expenses, which is the purpose of The St. Callistus Catholic Cemeteries of Columbus Perpetual Care Endowment Fund that was recently established at The Catholic Foundation.

The St. Callistus Fund will help with costs that, for example, are incurred outside of warranty work on fixing broken equipment, road repairs due to excess weather damage, and deteriorated buildings that result from age and harsh weather. “Knowing an unforeseen expense will be covered under The St. Callistus Fund gives me and my team the peace of mind to focus on what we do best, which is ministering to the faithful in their time of need and grief,” says Deacon Jeffery. 

Give to The St. Callistus Catholic Cemeteries of Columbus Perpetual Care Endowment Fund:

Child being handed a book from a woman in a classroom setting.
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“Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 
2 Corinthians 9: 6-7