Kanakkanatt Family Scholarship

This fund provides tuition assistance to a graduating eighth grade student of St. Timothy School, Columbus, to attend high school, with preference given for the children of those who serve the US military.

Eligibility Requirements and Criteria

  • Must complete a 500 word essay: Patriotism–What it means to me
  • Must be a student of St. Timothy Elementary School attending High School: Bishop Watterson, any Catholic high school in Franklin County, Ohio, or all other schools (in that order)
  • All dependent children of active-duty US Military service personnel who are serving or have served in a combat zone supporting the global war on terror and any other future wars are eligible to apply. Students must submit evidence of active military duty to verify eligibility, such as Statement of Service, a letter or written statement from the Personnel Department or the Commanding Officer, a copy of Duty Orders, a certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty or a DD 214
    “US Military Personnel” are defined as members of the Army, Nave, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. Members of the military reserves who have been activated to full-time duty and members of the National Guard who have been federalized and who otherwise meet the requirements are both eligible. Dependent children are defined as natural and legally adopted children or stepchildren living in the military service member are household and/or primarily supported financially by the service member
  • If no student meets the criteria established, all dependent children of active duty US Military service personnel or all dependent children of US Veterans will be considered, in that order
  • If no student meets the criteria established above, any eighth grade student may apply.
  • Demonstrated financial need
  • Academic record
  • Demonstrated leadership
  • Participation in school activities

Amount of Award
This is a one-time scholarship. The typical scholarship is $750; however, scholarship awards and amounts may vary, depending on availability of funds. Scholarship awards are made payable directly to the institution of enrollment on the student’s behalf, for the purposes and expenses associated with tuition, fees, textbooks, and required supplies and equipment.

To Apply:

All eligible students should contact Principal George Mosholder at gmoshold@cdeducation.org.

Please contact Dan Kurth at dkurth@catholic-foundation.org with any questions.

Child being handed a book from a woman in a classroom setting.
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“Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 
2 Corinthians 9: 6-7