Florence E. Moses Nursing Scholarship

The Moses Nursing Scholarship was established to further nursing education and to honor and memorialize the life of Florence Eileen Moses. It is hoped that some of the qualities and achievements of this woman’s life and career could be emulated by the recipients of this scholarship.

Born in 1913 in Cleveland, Ohio, Florence lived through the 1918 world-wide flu epidemic, during which many relatives and friends perished. Her large family migrated to Florida where they survived one of the worst hurricanes to strike the United States, the Great Hurricane of 1928. She also lived through the Great Depression of 1929. Her family then moved back to Cleveland, where she completed high school and went on to The Cleveland Glenville School of Nursing. As part of her academic studies, she was required to matriculate at the famed Cook County Hospital in Chicago, where under difficult social conditions, she cared for many seriously ill and indigent patients.

She trained during a time when medicine was based on history and physical diagnosis, antibiotics had just been discovered, the use of insulin was in its infancy, surgery was primitive, and imaging studies were unheard of. During her nursing training, Florence met her husband, Dr. Jacob Moses. While continuing in nursing, Florence assisted her husband in his practice, a professional endeavor that spanned seven decades. She also cared for both parents whom eventually died of cancer, and helped her brother through a prolonged convalescence caused by a serious automobile accident.

Florence and Jacob had six children, five of which are graduates of Bishop Watterson High School, and all are college graduates. In addition, she lost another three children, two through miscarriages and one shortly after birth.

Florence was a member of many medical organizations and volunteer programs. She was a great supporter of Bishop Watterson, St. Charles Preparatory School, and The Ohio State University.

A devoted wife of 63 years and grandmother of 17, Florence quietly practiced selfless, compassionate care giving towards her patients, friends, and family. Her love of people and her desire to help them was ever present throughout her life.

This fund provides tuition assistance to a senior student meeting all the requirements for graduation from a high school in the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio and that is accepted at and enrolled in the Mount Carmel College of Nursing, as confirmed in writing.

Eligibility Requirements and Criteria for the Moses Nursing Scholarship

  • After reviewing the biography, students must submit an essay answering the following two questions: Why do you want to enter the nursing profession? What are your professional goals as a nurse?
  • Must meet all requirements for graduation from a high school in the Diocese of Columbus
  • Must be enrolled in the Mount Carmel College of Nursing

Amount of Award
This is a one-time scholarship. Scholarship awards and amounts will vary, depending on availability of funds, but a minimum of $1,000 is to be awarded annually. Scholarship awards are made payable directly to the institution of enrollment on the student’s behalf, for the purposes and expenses associated with tuition, fees, textbooks, and required supplies and equipment.

Please contact Dan Kurth at dkurth@catholic-foundation.org with any questions.

Child being handed a book from a woman in a classroom setting.
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“Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 
2 Corinthians 9: 6-7