Established by Bishop Griffin as a result of The Challenge in Changing Times capital campaign, this fund shall provide for parish programs that enrich communities through evangelization, parish programs that directly welcome non-Catholics or non-practicing Catholics back to the Church, and for parish programs that focus on ministering to the needs of their communities through outreach and direct care for the poor.
Fund ID # 320GQC
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This fund shall support and promote retreats for the Catholic Laymen's Retreat League.
Fund ID # 320ADN
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For the general support of the following organizations with their present locations listed: a) Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Ohio Province 701 East Columbia Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45215 b) Holy Spirit Church 4383 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43213 c) St. Therese Retreat Center 5277 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43213 d) The Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 North High Street Columbus, Ohio 43235 e) St. Paul's Outreach 161 East Patterson Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43202 f) Serra Club of Columbus 2583 Wexford Road Columbus, Ohio 43221-3215 g) Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem North Central Lieutenancy 7048 North Keeler Avenue Lincolnwood, Illinois 60712
Fund ID # 320CDD
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This fund shall provide assistance to seminarians preparing for the priesthood from the Diocese of Columbus attending the Pontifical College Josephinum.
Fund ID # 320AHH
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This fund shall provide a scholarship for any priest of the Diocese of Columbus studying Sacred Scripture at either the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, Italy, its Jerusalem, Israel campus, or at the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem. A scholarship may be used the entire time of a priest's study for the costs of tuition, books, travel, or whatever the priest student may need during the course of studies. No amount of the Fund's principal and earnings may be used for any other purpose of the Diocese of Columbus.
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