This fund shall equally benefit in their existence The Washington Province of Discalced Carmelite Friars Inc., 1233 South 45th Street, West Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53214; the Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph, 141 East 65th Street, New York, New York 10065; and, the Pontifical College Josephinum, 7625 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43235.
Fund ID # 320CAU
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This fund shall provide for: (a) Support to be divided equally among (1) Catholic media efforts that reach the diocese of Columbus including, but not limited to The Catholic Times and any future forms of media operated under the auspices of the Bishop of Columbus; (2) St. Gabriel Catholic radio and any other Catholic broadcasting services serving the Diocese of Columbus, so long as their programming is consistent with the teaching authority of the Church and with the approval of the Bishop of Columbus. (b) Support to be divided equally among (1) diocesan vocations programs and support of diocesan seminarians; (2) the Friends of the Josephinum and (3) Pontifical College Josephinum. (c) Annual support to be divided equally among (1) the Historic Preservation of St. Joseph Cathedral Endowment Fund (320AGV), (2) the St. Joseph Cathedral Music Ministry Endowment Fund (320AG), and (3) the St. Joseph Cathedral Catholic Education Endowment Fund (320AZE). (d) Annual support to the Bishop's Annual Appeal or any subsequent fund providing resources to the Bishop of Columbus to use at his discretion in support of ministry in the Diocese of Columbus.
Fund ID # 320BI
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This fund shall provide support in meeting special needs within the Diocese not addressed by other restricted accounts.
Fund ID # 320
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This fund shall provide for the retirement needs of priests in the Diocese of Columbus, OH.
Fund ID # 320ADW
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Established by Bishop Griffin as a result of The Challenge in Changing Times capital campaign, this fund shall provide for the long-term healthcare needs of diocesan priests.
Fund ID # 320GQF
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Established by Bishop Griffin as a result of The Challenge in Changing Times capital campaign, this fund shall provide support for the professional training of Lay Ministers, Deacons, and Priests who enter the ministry on a formal, full-time basis.
Fund ID # 320GQE
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