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Dennis C. Bockus & Sharon B. Bockus Endowment Fund

This fund shall provide support to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Grove City, Ohio in the following manner: 60% of the yearly distribution will provide for operating and capital improvement needs of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish and School, 25% of the yearly distribution will provide for the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society, and 15% of the yearly distribution will provide for the Our Lady of Perpetual Help School Guardian Angel Fund.

Fund ID # 320CAC

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David & Barbara Garick Fund for the New Evangelization

This fund shall provide for: (a) Support to be divided equally among (1) Catholic media efforts that reach the diocese of Columbus including, but not limited to The Catholic Times and any future forms of media operated under the auspices of the Bishop of Columbus; (2) St. Gabriel Catholic radio and any other Catholic broadcasting services serving the Diocese of Columbus, so long as their programming is consistent with the teaching authority of the Church and with the approval of the Bishop of Columbus. (b) Support to be divided equally among (1) diocesan vocations programs and support of diocesan seminarians; (2) the Friends of the Josephinum and (3) Pontifical College Josephinum. (c) Annual support to be divided equally among (1) the Historic Preservation of St. Joseph Cathedral Endowment Fund (320AGV), (2) the St. Joseph Cathedral Music Ministry Endowment Fund (320AG), and (3) the St. Joseph Cathedral Catholic Education Endowment Fund (320AZE). (d) Annual support to the Bishop's Annual Appeal or any subsequent fund providing resources to the Bishop of Columbus to use at his discretion in support of ministry in the Diocese of Columbus.

Fund ID # 320BI

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Child being handed a book from a woman in a classroom setting.
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“Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 
2 Corinthians 9: 6-7