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Michael J. & Kathleen A. Nehf Family Endowment Fund

This fund shall support the following ministries in their continued identity, mission, and location:
a. Marians of the Immaculate Conception, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, for the formation of seminarians as priests;
b. Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, Ohio, for the formation of seminarians as priests;
c. Human Life International, 4 Family Life Lane, Front Royal VA 22630
d. Eternal World Television Network, Irondale, Alabama, for general program needs;
e. St. Peter the Apostle Church, 524 N Rush, Itasca IL 60143, for general needs;
f. St. Gabriel Catholic Radio, Columbus, Ohio, for general needs;

Fund ID # 320CDN

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Lionel T. & Rose Mary King Endowment Fund

50% of this fund shall provide for the needs of St. Catharine Parish which includes the needs of the school and 50% of this fund shall provide for the furtherance of Catholic education in the Diocese of Columbus.

Fund ID # 320AKG

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Lola J. & Paul Moreland, Jr. Altar Rosary Endowment Fund

This fund shall provide for traditional Altar/Rosary concerns, including but not limited to the decoration and up-keep of the parish churches, altar linens and vestments, and the up-keep and supply of the parish social halls and kitchens, as well as various social needs and concerns of the parish community of St. Peter Church, Millersburg, Ohio and Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Glenmont, Ohio.

Fund ID # 320AKZ

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Child being handed a book from a woman in a classroom setting.
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“Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 
2 Corinthians 9: 6-7