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Respect Life Endowment Fund

This fund shall provide for organizations, programs and ministries whose focus is to promote respect for all human life from conception to natural death.

Fund ID # 320AZB

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Monsignor John Wolf Endowment Fund

This fund shall provide for parishioners at Immaculate Conception Parish, Kenton, Ohio, and Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Ada, Ohio, who have demonstrated that they are in need of financial assistance due to an extraordinary hardship, emergency, or crisis that they are presently facing.

Fund ID # 320CBK

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Laihr Family Endowment Fund

The Foundation shall hold, manage, invest and reinvest the Fund in accordance with the rules and procedures for the administration and operation of endowment funds of the Foundation as may be in effect from time to time for the following purpose(s): 1. to support corporal works of mercy through feeding the poor and providing emergency assistance for basic needs; 2. to support basic facility needs of the beneficiary organizations as listed below: Edmundite Missions - 4% of the annual distribution 1428 Broad Street Selma, Alabama 36701 Sacred Heart Southern Missions - 4% of the annual distribution 6050 Highway 161 Walls, Mississippi 38680 St. Bonaventure Indian Mission and School- 4% of the annual distribution PO Box 610 Thoreau, New Mexico 87323-0610 Christ the King Catholic Church - 8% of the annual distribution St. Vincent De Paul/Bishop Griffin Center 2875 East Livingston Avenue Columbus, OH 43209 The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Columbus - 80% of the annual distribution To be used primarily for ministries who provide food, water, emergency basic needs, medicine and transportation, and for the ministries? basic facility needs in which allows them to better support their work within the 23 counties of the diocese of Columbus;

Fund ID # 320CDS

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Child being handed a book from a woman in a classroom setting.
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“Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 
2 Corinthians 9: 6-7