This fund shall perpetually foster and provide for the needs of St. Patrick's programs that evangelize, catechize, safeguard, and strengthen the Faith to the youth, continuing the legacy that has encouraged so many vocations to religious life and the priesthood. Such needs include, but are not limited to, examples found in Appendix 1 of this agreement. Please consult the scanned fund agreement for Appendix 1 content
Fund ID # 320CEA
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This fund shall provide for uniforms, equipment, and the repair and maintenance of the athletic facilities associated with St. Michael Parish and School in Worthington, Ohio.
Fund ID # 320CDY
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This fund shall award scholarships annually to graduating eighth graders, who participated in athletics at St. Michael School in Worthington, Ohio and who are attending a Catholic high school.
Fund ID # 320CDZ
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This fund shall provide funding for the education of teachers of religion at St. Michael School and Parish.
Fund ID # 320AJA
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This fund shall provide for the evangelization and care for the poor in the community served by St. Mary Church, Marion.
Fund ID # 320AJR
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This fund shall provide for the preservation and maintenance of the parish buildings and real estate of the parish.
Fund ID # 320AJP
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