Established as a memorial to James Michael Archibald, this fund shall provide tuition assistance to students attending Bishop Watterson High School in the form of grants to be applied to tuition and other school fees and expenses.
Fund ID # 320H
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This fund shall provide tuition assistance to deserving students attending St. Brigid of Kildare School.
Fund ID # 320AFD
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This fund shall provide for the operating needs of St. Andrew Elementary School and St. Brigid of Kildare Elementary School.
Fund ID # 320ADF
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This fund shall provide tuition assistance to deserving families of St. Brigid of Kildare School, Dublin.
Fund ID # 320AHS
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This fund shall provide for the support of operations of Holy Trinity School, Somerset, Ohio.
Fund ID # 320ANI
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This fund shall provide tuition assistance for students attending Holy Trinity School, Somerset, Ohio.
Fund ID # 320AQZ
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