This fund shall support St. Brigid of Kildare School (the "School") and/or provide tuition assistance (in the form of a yearly gift or refund or reduction of tuition) for some or all the students of the School who are parishioners of the Donor.
Fund ID # 320BL
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This fund shall provide for a maintenance reserve for the Parish Education Center.
Fund ID # 320AGZ
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This fund shall provide for tuition assistance and teacher training opportunities for the Parish School of Religion.
Fund ID # 320AHA
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This fund shall provide for the continuing education of the teachers at St. Brigid of Kildare School, Dublin.
Fund ID # 320AHT
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This fund shall provide tuition assistance to deserving families at St. Brigid of Kildare School.
Fund ID # 320AHD
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The Fund shall be for the needs of the St. Catharine of Siena Parish and School community, of Columbus, Ohio, in accordance with the St. Catharine SPICE« Bylaws and Mission Statement. The purpose of the Fund is to assist in the attainment and provision of resources needed for the education of parishioners attending faith formation or regular educational services at St. Catharine of Siena Parish or School or a Columbus Diocesan Catholic High School who have ?special? or diverse educational needs. Education of parishioners shall include, but shall not be limited to, professional development, adaptive materials, technology, educational resources, special or diverse needs staffing, awareness and/or fundraising initiatives, individual student grants for items such as special tutoring, testing or classes. The Fund is not intended for: general parish uses, school capital improvements except for circumstances that may involve accessibility issues or items covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act , general educational needs, tuition, or for the benefit of parishioners not attending St. Catharine Elementary School, preschool, faith formation, or a Columbus Diocesan Catholic High School.
Fund ID # 320CEF
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