St. Martha Giving Circle

Connecting Catholic Women

The St. Martha Giving Circle (The Marthas) is an initiative dedicated to bringing Catholic women together to raise awareness and funds for organizations in the diocese of Columbus. A giving circle by design, this group leverages a pooled fund to have a greater philanthropic impact in the community.

The Marthas gather every year to learn about organizations’ services and needs and then decide together which ministries to fund. Voting takes place annually, and depending on available funds, multiple beneficiaries may be selected.  As of June 2024, The Marthas have granted over $400,0000 to local causes whose missions are aligned with Catholic values.   

In addition to their community impact, Martha members have opportunities to serve with one another and socialize throughout the year.


Give as much as you can, as often as you can.  A minimum contribution of $100 is required for membership.  Founders’ Circle members contribute a minimum of $1,000.


Women of any age who want to have a meaningful impact on our Catholic community.

Membership Benefits

  1. Vote on what organizations you want to receive a grant
  2. You decide your level of involvement – voluntary attendance at meetings, site visits and speaker panels
  3. Learn about non-profit organizations throughout the diocese
  4. Hear about projects and needs in the community, directly from the organizations
  5. Share ideas and opportunities with other women
  6. Engage in service and fellowship with like-minded women of all ages
  7. Opportunities to include even the youngest women in your family, to teach future generations about philanthropy

Founders Circle

  • Marilyn Adams
  • Diane Banks
  • Rita Bauer
  • Ruth M. Beckman
  • Laura Bradford
  • Venetia Bramlage
  • Martha Brinkman
  • Kim Brown
  • Barbara A. Brown
  • Barbara Burke
  • Lori Caldwell
  • Jo Ann Carpenter
  • Deborah A. Coleman*
  • Georgine Collette
  • Michelle Cramer
  • Sharon Curtin
  • Juliana Damopoulos
  • Marie Dawes
  • Mary Deibel
  • Candace DeLuca
  • Patience Denz
  • Bridgit Denz
  • Erin Dougherty
  • Maria Elliott
  • Molly Fanning
  • Margaret Fauth
  • Mary L. Gallagher
  • Ann T. Gallagher
  • Mary Geswein
  • Kathleen L. Gibbons
  • Carol M. Gillespie
  • Stephanie Glover
  • Sandra L. Grant
  • Lauren Gresh
  • Kathleen Gummer
  • Lori Gulan-Hamrock
  • Mary V. Hayes
  • Monica Henry
  • Kathleen M. Houck
  • Dolores Igel
  • Stephanie Infante
  • Susan Kairis
  • Barbara Kelleher
  • Mary Ann Kent
  • Joelle C. Khouzam
  • Kathleen Kohler
  • Kate Maher
  • Leslie Mahle
  • Brenda L. Martinez
  • K.C. McAllister
  • Frances Michalec
  • Antoinette Mitchell
  • Patricia Moloney
  • Cheryl Muetzel
  • Pam Nuss
  • Gail Perks
  • Deborah Perrin
  • Maureen Preston
  • Rebecca L. Princehorn
  • Patricia J. Reynolds
  • Kate Richardson
  • Lorena Ritchey
  • Barbara Rowland
  • Connie Sauter*
  • Ann Schiele*
  • Joan Schlagheck
  • Kathleen Skubak
  • Sherri Smith
  • Rosie Thomas
  • Sharon Thomas
  • Judith T. Walton
  • Lori Wengerd
  • Ginger West
  • Jennie Wilson
  • Linda Younkin

* Denotes Deceased


  • Mary Ann Abrams
  • Marilyn Adams
  • Mary Anderson
  • Kathleen Arnold
  • Diane Banks
  • Mary Barcza
  • Rita Bauer
  • Linda Bergman
  • Dorothy Betz
  • Annette Bevelhymer
  • Judy Biedenharn
  • Justine Blossom
  • Sharon Bockus
  • Gloria Jeanne Braxton
  • Barbara Bringarder
  • Cheryl Brown
  • Kim Brown
  • Stacey Brown
  • Ronna Burton
  • Jo Ann Carpenter
  • Joyce Clark
  • Michele Cleary
  • Georgine Collette
  • Patricia Connor
  • Michelle Cramer
  • Carol Crooks
  • Elaine Damo
  • Kelly Dawes
  • Jeanne Dooley
  • Leisa Ehlers
  • Mary Ey
  • Molly Fanning
  • Frances Feehan
  • Pat Fehribach
  • Lisa Feick
  • Kambra Figge
  • Monica Flynn
  • Mary Gallagher
  • Kristin Garrabrant
  • Kristine Gehring
  • Mimi Geswein
  • Kay Gibbons
  • Kathleen Gibbons
  • Diane Giesse
  • Carol Gillespie
  • Maria Gluys
  • JoEllen Gohr
  • Sandra Gookins
  • Anna Gould
  • Stephanie Green
  • Elizabeth Gregg
  • Lauren Gresh
  • Jane Guggenbiller
  • Kathleen Gummer
  • Mary Halas
  • Lori Gulan-Hamrock
  • Patt Hardie
  • Pamela Harmon
  • Laura Hartman
  • Monica Henry
  • Selena Heyer
  • Christina Higgins
  • Beth Hill
  • Marietta Hofmeister
  • Gloria Horsley
  • Joan Hoy
  • Nancy Hutchings
  • Dolores Igel
  • Stephanie Infante
  • Mary Margaret Jones
  • Kathleen Klosterman
  • Kathleen Kohler
  • Wei Kozlowski
  • Kathy Krofcheck
  • Karen Laihr
  • Peggy Mackessy
  • Heather MacKinnon
  • Judith Magas
  • Kate Maher
  • Leslie Mahle
  • Ruth Martin
  • Brenda Martinez
  • Roe Mauro
  • K.C. McAllister
  • Francie Medary
  • Nikki Mesnard
  • Kathleen Meyer
  • Jo Sue Miller
  • Antoinette Mitchell
  • Patricia Moloney
  • Cheryl Muetzel
  • Cathy Murnane
  • Susan Murray
  • Tara Nemcik
  • Kim Newcomb
  • Kelly Noll
  • Debbie Nunner
  • Donna Olenhouse
  • Pamela O’Neil
  • Gail Perks
  • Carole Perlick
  • Deborah Perrin
  • Estrella Polt
  • Kathy Potter
  • Stephanie Rapp
  • Lisa Reis
  • Patricia Reynolds
  • Amy Roberts
  • Dawn Robinson
  • Liz Rothermich
  • Delma Rouleau
  • Barbara Rowland
  • Kathleen Rupp
  • Mary Ginn Ryan
  • Patricia Sarosi
  • Kathy Scanlon
  • Joan Schlagheck
  • Janet Schubert
  • Peg Schubert
  • Marian Schuda
  • Kris Shade
  • Virginia Shaffer
  • Veronica Sherman
  • Susan Skorupski
  • Kathy Skubak
  • Sherri Smith
  • Angelique Kidd Smith
  • Sherri Smith
  • Mary Ellen Spinks
  • Jean Spinosi
  • Daphne Suh
  • Donna Swartz
  • Amy Tatz
  • Anne Marie Thomas
  • Lynn Thomas
  • Rosie Thomas
  • Marianne Traficant
  • Kendra Utt
  • Elizabeth Vonau
  • Judith Walton
  • Brooke Warren
  • Ann Weinberger
  • Jo Welsh
  • Lori Wengerd
  • Ginger West
  • Margaret Zimmer
Child being handed a book from a woman in a classroom setting.
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“Consider this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 
2 Corinthians 9: 6-7