
Partners In Planning
When retirement nears and you start to think about the future of your assets, having a trusted advisor to help you draft a will or navigate a planned gift is a valuable resource.
The Catholic Foundation’s Professional Advisors Group (PAG) are professionals that are available to help in estate and financial planning and other pertinent areas as you begin to assess the next chapter in your life.
The Catholic Foundation understands that some individuals are called to make a gift to charity, but wish to retain their existing financial advisor. The Catholic Foundation invites you to explore our Professional Advisor Choice Program.
Information for Advisors
PAG members are ambassadors for the work of The Catholic Foundation. In addition to offering their expertise to individuals in estate and gift planning, members have the opportunity to learn pertinent educational topics and network with other like-minded professionals throughout the year.
As stewards of the Catholic faith, PAG members serve as important resources to donors, parishes, constituent organizations and the Foundation staff.
Become A Member
PAG members attend quarterly meetings, receive a subscription to a weekly GiftLaw e-newsletter, and can participate in social events and mixers with other trusted professionals. Membership is $100/year.
PAG members also receive:
• Recognition in The Catholic Foundation’s Annual Report
• Listing of name and contact information on The Catholic Foundation’s website
• Free admission to the annual John L. Sauter Estate Planning Seminar, which includes 3 CEUs ($50 value)

Edward Wandtke, CPA, CVA
St. John Neumann, SunburyWandtke & Associates, Inc.
(614) 891-3111
Daniel Bringardner
St. Catharine, ColumbusOnda LaBuhn Ernsberger & Boggs Co., LPA
(614) 716-0507
James Cooper
St. Edward the Confessor, GranvilleMorrow, Gordon & Byrd LTD
(740) 281-1382
Don Dal Ponte
St. Thomas Aquinas, ZanesvilleGottlieb Johnston Beam & Dal Ponte
(740) 450-6903
Bradley Glover
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Grove CityKessler & Ballenger Co., LPA
(614) 454-3578
John C. Lucas
St. Brigid, DublinIsaac, Wiles, Burkholder & Miller, LLC
(614) 340-7436
William McLoughlin
St. Paul, WestervilleMetz, Bailey & McLoughlin LLP
(614) 882-2327
Joseph Nixon
Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption, LancasterSitterley, Vandervoort & Nixon Ltd
(740) 653-0461
James Vonau
Church of the Resurrection, New AlbanyDecker Vonau & Carr, LLC
(614) 744-4102
Financial Planners
Christopher Adkins
Financial Planner
St. Agatha, ColumbusAmeriprise Financial Services
(614) 726-3418
Maureen Armstrong, CFP®
Financial Planner
Our Lady of Peace, ColumbusAntolino and Associates, Inc.
(614) 442-3355
James Atkinson CFP®, AIF®, MPAS
Financial Planner
St. Patrick, ColumbusColumbus Capital
(614) 656-1230
James D. Bishop, RICP®, CDF®
Financial Planner
St. Brigid, DublinMorgan Stanley Wealth Management
(614) 473-2469
Shannon Branstetter
Financial Planner
Sacred Hearts, Cardington and St. Mary, MarionModern Woodmen of America
(740) 396-8233
Cheryl Brown
Financial Planner
St. Joan of Arc, PowellCABS Financial Services LLC
(614) 844-6760
Dave Burgett
Financial Planner
St. John Neumann, SunburyEdward Jones Investments
(740) 936-5148
Juliana Damopoulos
Financial Planner
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Grove CityCardinal Financial Advisers, LLC www.cardinaladvisers.com
(614) 457-3450
John A. Davidson
Financial Planner
St. Timothy, ColumbusKyleshill Financial Planning
(614) 395-1295
Candace DeLuca
Financial Planner
St. Brendan, HilliardDeLuca Financial Strategies, LLC
(614) 869-3002
Steve Devlin
Financial Planner
Immaculate Conception, ColumbusDostal And Kirk Financial Services
(614) 989-7579
Russell Doup
Financial Planner
St. John Neumann, SunburyMaxwell Financial Management
(614) 431-4345
Ryan Garland, CFP®
Financial Planner
St. Colman of Cloyne, Washington Court HouseCorient
(614) 481-6900
James Hankenhof, CFP®, CPWA®
Financial Planner
St. Peter, ColumbusPlante Moran Financial Advisors
(614) 222-9110
Ben Hartings, CFP®
Financial Planner
St. John Neumann, SunburyTrinity Financial Advisors, LLC
(614) 848-7667
Maura Holowchak
Financial Planner
St. Andrew, ColumbusMahler Wealth Management of Raymond James
(614) 442-2349
Michael Hyzdu, CEPA®, CFP®
Financial Planner
St. Thomas More Newman Center, ColumbusUBS Financial Services: 3 Point Legacy Advisors
(513) 792-2122
Sabra Kershaw
Financial Planner
St. Pius X, ReynoldsburgFirst Commonwealth Bank
(614) 439-7366
Jon LaFramboise, CLU®, ChSNC®
Financial Planner
St. Andrew, ColumbusCentric Financial Group, LLC
(614) 218-6886
Angelo Manzo, CFA, CFP®, CAIA
Financial Planner
St. Joan of Arc, PowellMeeder Investment
(614) 581-9018
John “Jack” Marmion
Financial Planner
Our Lady of Peace, ColumbusHorizon Partners Wealth Management
(614) 442-6294
Steven Meier, MSFS, ChFC®, CAP®, WMCP®
Financial Planner
Holy Family, ColumbusCardinal Financial Advisers, LLC www.cardinaladvisers.com
(614) 457-3450
Steve Shadeed, MBA, CFP®
Financial Planner
St. Brendan, HilliardBrienza Financial Services
(614) 459-9170
Dean Schockling
Financial Planner
St. Paul, WestervilleMorgan Stanley https://advisor.morganstanley.com/the-one-columbus-group
(614) 473-2489
Joe White, CFA, CFP®
Financial Planner
St. Mary, German VillageJohnson Investment Counsel
(614) 365-9103
Insurance Advisors
Kimberly Gilles
Insurance Advisor
St. Mary, DelawareGilles Smith Purdum Insurance Agency
(614) 878-0240
James Hahn
Insurance Advisor
St. Bernadette, LancasterCatholic Order of Foresters
(740) 324-0702
Heather MacKinnon
Insurance Advisor
Immaculate Conception, ColumbusHorizon Insurance Services
(614) 326-0200
Paul Marchio
Insurance Advisor
St. John the Baptist, ColumbusPaul Marchio Insurance Agency LLC
(740) 841-1550
Matthew Tangeman
Insurance Advisor
St. Brendan, Hilliard & St. Christopher, GrandviewKnights of Columbus
(614) 586-5423
Trust Officers
Damon Howarth
Trust Officer
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Buckeye LakePark National Bank
(614) 228-9917
Brad Walters
Trust Officer
Seton Parish, PickeringtonFifth Third Investor Services
(614) 203-2871
Chris Wohlheter
Trust Officer
Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption, LancasterPark National Bank
(614) 228-9027
PAG members are required to pay an annual membership fee.
Participation does not constitute an endorsement by The Catholic Foundation.